Most people think I flirt. I do not share the same opinion as most people but one day, a long time ago, a man offered his insight about it to me that I can't help but find truly reasonable. He said that I don't see my so-called flirting as that - to me, it is just natural friendliness or exuberance. However men on the receiving end of my laughs and my joking touches on the arm would see it differently.
I tend to be very happy around people I like - even if I've just met them. If we can click, it doesn't matter if they're male or female, I get quite touchy-feely. I'm a visual and kinesthetic person, what can I say? Recently, I've had several new encounters with different people, mostly female and a couple of males - but nobody bats an eyelid when I get friendly with females. I can't understand it!
Do we have to live our lives according to the genders? Why can't I just be friendly with people I like - male or female??!
So far I've had understanding partners - people who know who I am and understand my style and they know I don't go out there to flirt. It's only those who don't me who judge me and yes, most of the time I don’t give a flying farthing what they think, but if they were to influence unduly people who are important to me, then I would get very very mad.
ShiT! Why can't I just be the way I am?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
This is one of my Favourite Things
Found a fantastic new site! Featuring shoes, Wonderful Shoes!!!!! It's in my BlogRoll now..
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Gory Death - Who Is To Blame?
Today a colleague sent me pictures of a man who was killed at a Petronas Station in Gunung Lang, Ipoh in Nov 08. His name was Ustaz Mohammad Khairuddin Mohamed Isa and he had just started work there as a part-time clerk 4 days before his death.
3 Indian men were charged recently with allegedly causing his death on 11 Dec 08 while a fourth Indian man is still at large. After allegedly slashing him with parangs, they left him to die while they looted the station of RM1000. The pictures were horrific - there was so much blood everywhere and his white shirt was completely soaked with blood. There were 5 pictures in the email. They started off with the most 'easy to take' (if there is such a thing) a shot of the scene from afar and slowly, the series moved in to show his face from the left and then his face from the right. His nose seemed split into two or was gone and his right eye was completely sealed shut (am unsure if it was from swelling or just that it was bludgeoned and cut til there was just a mush of flesh pulp. The worst of all, was the pic from the right - a slice of his face near the top of his head was just …sort of…hanging. Since it was all bloody, you can't really differentiate the parts of his skull or flesh, or brain matter but you can see the hanging sliver.
It's not the awful scene that prompts me to write. I just cannot imagine that men can do this to their fellow man. And all for RM1000! How does one feel, what goes through one's head when you lift your arm - knowing full well it is armed with a parang or cleaver or something equally damaging - and bring it down with full force on another human being??? Does your humanity and conscience fly out the window? This man had 6 kids and a wife. He was working for the extra money to support his further studies and 4 men, chose one morning to end his life. The captured Indian men were young - 2 were only 22 and 1 was 32. What gave them the right???? What made them so brave? Ustaz Khairuddin was someone loved and respected - he was someone's son, someone's husband, someone's dad!
I'm sorry to say but I don't think violence on tv ruined them and I don't think childhood abuse marred their souls - I think parents need to take a hell of a lot more responsibility for how their kids turn out - 10% perhaps is nature - if he has a violent personality - that's 'unchangeable' but his parents had the SOLE responsibility of bringing him up right. Bringing a child up right means he doesn't go out robbing, stealing and killing others or little animals. Maybe I'm not a parent yet and I do not know the perils of parenthood - but by George, if I can't do at least a decent job of it, I should NOT START!
I pray that Ustaz Khairuddin's family never saw or see the photographs. No family deserves a nightmare like this. (I hope they don't trawl the internet and come across this post!) I think losing a family member is terrible enough but to know how they died (like Daniel Pearl's widow who watched his death/murder video so that she would be able to answer any questions her child had in the future) would be torture. I think it would play in your mind forever and you'd relive the pain a 1000 times over!
The (alleged) ingrates will be in court on Jan 13 2009. I think a just punishment for any crime of this sort is to slowly slice off piece by piece of the guilty party's flesh day by day and let them slowly rot, bleed to death. Death by hanging and even death by electric chair is too uncreative for the multitude of ways people think up to kill others.
Please God - make them stop!
3 Indian men were charged recently with allegedly causing his death on 11 Dec 08 while a fourth Indian man is still at large. After allegedly slashing him with parangs, they left him to die while they looted the station of RM1000. The pictures were horrific - there was so much blood everywhere and his white shirt was completely soaked with blood. There were 5 pictures in the email. They started off with the most 'easy to take' (if there is such a thing) a shot of the scene from afar and slowly, the series moved in to show his face from the left and then his face from the right. His nose seemed split into two or was gone and his right eye was completely sealed shut (am unsure if it was from swelling or just that it was bludgeoned and cut til there was just a mush of flesh pulp. The worst of all, was the pic from the right - a slice of his face near the top of his head was just …sort of…hanging. Since it was all bloody, you can't really differentiate the parts of his skull or flesh, or brain matter but you can see the hanging sliver.
It's not the awful scene that prompts me to write. I just cannot imagine that men can do this to their fellow man. And all for RM1000! How does one feel, what goes through one's head when you lift your arm - knowing full well it is armed with a parang or cleaver or something equally damaging - and bring it down with full force on another human being??? Does your humanity and conscience fly out the window? This man had 6 kids and a wife. He was working for the extra money to support his further studies and 4 men, chose one morning to end his life. The captured Indian men were young - 2 were only 22 and 1 was 32. What gave them the right???? What made them so brave? Ustaz Khairuddin was someone loved and respected - he was someone's son, someone's husband, someone's dad!
I'm sorry to say but I don't think violence on tv ruined them and I don't think childhood abuse marred their souls - I think parents need to take a hell of a lot more responsibility for how their kids turn out - 10% perhaps is nature - if he has a violent personality - that's 'unchangeable' but his parents had the SOLE responsibility of bringing him up right. Bringing a child up right means he doesn't go out robbing, stealing and killing others or little animals. Maybe I'm not a parent yet and I do not know the perils of parenthood - but by George, if I can't do at least a decent job of it, I should NOT START!
I pray that Ustaz Khairuddin's family never saw or see the photographs. No family deserves a nightmare like this. (I hope they don't trawl the internet and come across this post!) I think losing a family member is terrible enough but to know how they died (like Daniel Pearl's widow who watched his death/murder video so that she would be able to answer any questions her child had in the future) would be torture. I think it would play in your mind forever and you'd relive the pain a 1000 times over!
The (alleged) ingrates will be in court on Jan 13 2009. I think a just punishment for any crime of this sort is to slowly slice off piece by piece of the guilty party's flesh day by day and let them slowly rot, bleed to death. Death by hanging and even death by electric chair is too uncreative for the multitude of ways people think up to kill others.
Please God - make them stop!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Dying For The Arts
Guess what? Today a man was killed for singing one too many songs!!! In KL!!!!!
Here's the article:
KUALA LUMPUR - A Malaysian man died after being stabbed in the chest in a row that erupted after he was accused of hogging the microphone at a karaoke venue, state media reported.
Police in Sandakan on Borneo island said that 23-year-old Abdul Sani Doli was believed to have angered other patrons by singing one tune after another, and refusing to hand over the microphone.
A row broke out with three men at the next table, escalating into a fist fight outside the karaoke joint, Sandakan police chief Rosli Mohd Isa said, according to the official Bernama news agency.
Abdul Sani was stabbed in the chest and died, and two men have been arrested in connection with the murder, it said.
Here's the article:
KUALA LUMPUR - A Malaysian man died after being stabbed in the chest in a row that erupted after he was accused of hogging the microphone at a karaoke venue, state media reported.
Police in Sandakan on Borneo island said that 23-year-old Abdul Sani Doli was believed to have angered other patrons by singing one tune after another, and refusing to hand over the microphone.
A row broke out with three men at the next table, escalating into a fist fight outside the karaoke joint, Sandakan police chief Rosli Mohd Isa said, according to the official Bernama news agency.
Abdul Sani was stabbed in the chest and died, and two men have been arrested in connection with the murder, it said.
HoliDAY and PRESENTS!!!!!
Yeay! A 3 day holiday!!! I just can't wait for the end of the year. Next MOnday is going to be a holiday and then I'm OFF from 25th Dec onwards - until the NEW YEAR!!!! Yeay!
I've got so many things to do, so many people to see - ooooops - getting a bit stressed out now but I just can't wait for the hols! My girfriends and I exchanged gifts for Christmas - rather hard when all 5 of us are based differently in the world! But I was a BAD BAD GIRL! ;)
Yuppers! I opened up all the pressies the moment I got them and I displayed the Christmas Cards at home.....I have even started using my pressies - oh Lord, when they read my blog, they are going to flip!!!!!!!!
Another girlfriend of mine also gave me a wonderful gift. She had my name inscribed on a piece of fancy paper with the origin and meaning (you know the one I mean?) and then it was framed up so now I have a lovely 'Errolyn' frame with characteristics of me (supposedly bestowed upon me by my name) sitting in my hall! That was quite quite great and I immediately sms-ed her upon reaching home and ripping up the wrapping. Needless to say, I don't often find my name just available be it on key chains, or mugs, or whatever....but this was special!
Thanks Girls! Love yous!
I've got so many things to do, so many people to see - ooooops - getting a bit stressed out now but I just can't wait for the hols! My girfriends and I exchanged gifts for Christmas - rather hard when all 5 of us are based differently in the world! But I was a BAD BAD GIRL! ;)
Yuppers! I opened up all the pressies the moment I got them and I displayed the Christmas Cards at home.....I have even started using my pressies - oh Lord, when they read my blog, they are going to flip!!!!!!!!
Another girlfriend of mine also gave me a wonderful gift. She had my name inscribed on a piece of fancy paper with the origin and meaning (you know the one I mean?) and then it was framed up so now I have a lovely 'Errolyn' frame with characteristics of me (supposedly bestowed upon me by my name) sitting in my hall! That was quite quite great and I immediately sms-ed her upon reaching home and ripping up the wrapping. Needless to say, I don't often find my name just available be it on key chains, or mugs, or whatever....but this was special!
Thanks Girls! Love yous!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
How to Slim Down and Lose Weight...
When you are in a hurry, everything in the world conspires against you!
This morning, I was hungering for a nasi lemak on the way to work - well, actually I've been hungering for one, ummmm…..ever since I can remember - I just love nasi lemak - not good when you are trying to lose/maintain weight! :)
That's another story though. This morning I was hungry cos all I had last night was cabbage soup (anybody ever heard of the cabbage soup diet?), well, cabbage soup and some grapes and a MOO ice cream (you know - the ice cream wedged between two oreos)…, diet aside….Hahhahahahah
I wanted the yummy nasi lemak packet and thought ok, it's 8am now, I have to get out of the house, drive all the way to work, go downstairs to the cafeteria, buy the nasi lemak, ride the elevator all the way to the top floor and then eat my nasi lemak. And try to finish it before 8.45am. I rushed it anyway. But of course, I met Mr. Slow and Steady on the road right outside my house - Mr. Slow and Steady a 65 year old man from Penang - you can guess the speed at which he was driving! And then I met young tudung girl in Kancil who didn't quite dare dash out into the onrunning stream of traffic around the roundabout - don't you know girl? If you don't rush it, you will never get in!!!!!!
And then of course I met a silly car who wanted to stop and let another car into our queue… by the time I parked the car, I thought sod it, I am not going to be able to go downstairs and up and eat by 8.45am. Sad.
The only thing worse than this is that my boyfriend didn't take the hint to buy me a packet of nasi lemak last night…… know…..when the novelty wears off…….
Seems it's pretty easy to lose weight and slim down fast when even the fates stand between you and your nasi lemak!
This morning, I was hungering for a nasi lemak on the way to work - well, actually I've been hungering for one, ummmm…..ever since I can remember - I just love nasi lemak - not good when you are trying to lose/maintain weight! :)
That's another story though. This morning I was hungry cos all I had last night was cabbage soup (anybody ever heard of the cabbage soup diet?), well, cabbage soup and some grapes and a MOO ice cream (you know - the ice cream wedged between two oreos)…, diet aside….Hahhahahahah
I wanted the yummy nasi lemak packet and thought ok, it's 8am now, I have to get out of the house, drive all the way to work, go downstairs to the cafeteria, buy the nasi lemak, ride the elevator all the way to the top floor and then eat my nasi lemak. And try to finish it before 8.45am. I rushed it anyway. But of course, I met Mr. Slow and Steady on the road right outside my house - Mr. Slow and Steady a 65 year old man from Penang - you can guess the speed at which he was driving! And then I met young tudung girl in Kancil who didn't quite dare dash out into the onrunning stream of traffic around the roundabout - don't you know girl? If you don't rush it, you will never get in!!!!!!
And then of course I met a silly car who wanted to stop and let another car into our queue… by the time I parked the car, I thought sod it, I am not going to be able to go downstairs and up and eat by 8.45am. Sad.
The only thing worse than this is that my boyfriend didn't take the hint to buy me a packet of nasi lemak last night…… know…..when the novelty wears off…….
Seems it's pretty easy to lose weight and slim down fast when even the fates stand between you and your nasi lemak!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Macau-Hong Kong-Macau
Well, I am back from Hong Kong and Macau. What can I say about it - the first thing that comes to mind is that stuff is expensive there! Very very expensive. A dim sum breakfast for 5 at a recommended local restaurant cost 720HKD (RM350), normal dishes and rice lunches at a tourist restaurant for 5 cost 400HKD (RM200) and a normal lunch for 4 at a kopitiam (Char Chan Teng) cost 180KHD (RM90)!!! I think that should be enough to paint you the picture!
All our money was spent on food and transportation. Note that I did not mention shopping, yeah cos there was no shopping whatsoever! I bought 1 pair of shoes from the Ladies Market in Mongkok and uh, yeah, that was it. I went walking along the famous Nathan Road and uh, yeah, didn't get anything. There were lots and lots of shopping malls chock full of branded names - some I've not heard of but otherwise, they were mostly the same as our Gardens, MidValley and The Pavillion, KL. Nothing new, nothing exciting. I did go looking for an 'important piece of jewellery' in the various jewellers there like Chow Sang Sang and Chow Tai Fook but did not fall in love with anything. Furthermore, even though diamonds are tax free there and settings are supposed to be magical, the prices weren't that much lower than here in Malaysia and it was definitely not low enough to tempt me into buying something that expensive overseas.
So most of our money was spent on food where a simple Wan Tan Mee in a coffeeshop cost RM9 but food did taste rather good at certain places. The coffeeshop ware was normal and I didn't particularly fancy it. I also had good old porridge with yau char kuay which is standard breakfast fare as seen in Hong Kong TVB serials! What I didn't have was stinky tofu….it was my one major food item to try and we couldn't find it! Apparently, nobody sells those much anymore but damn! I already had a competition in my mind for the 5 of us to see who could eat the most stinky tofu!
We didn't buy the Octopus card even though that is recommended by everyone on travel sites. It was supposed to be easier and could be used at 7-11s (or the like) and gave you a little discount each time you used it to travel. We calculated the costs of our day trips which weren't many and added in the administrative fee we would be charged upon return of the card within 7 days and decided, we were better off taking a cab (non-peak hours of course) for the 5 of us than buying the card. Sis bought a card that included a free trip on the airport express though. There is also the daily card that gives you unlimited travel for HKD110 but the same logic applied, we weren't travelling around anywhere near that on a daily basis….
So, for travellers to HK - think before you buy!
We went to all the normal tourist spots in Hong Kong but skipped the Peak! Ahhhh - SHOCKERS! But yeah, we were too tired out from a day jaunt to Stanley Market (a seaside tourist location full of Air Itam - Kek Lok Si kind of shops that we just couldn't be bothered to take the tram up Victoria's Peak. Instead we settled for a view of night-time Hong Kong in all its neon splendour from across the bay at the Avenue of Stars (Tsim Tsa Shui). It was good enough!
In Macau, there wasn't anything much at all except for the casinos which, even so, only populated a stretch of road - there were the Sands, the MGM Grand, Wynn, Starworld, Lisboa, Grand Lisboa and several other smaller or more old time casinos like the Grand Emperor, Rio etc…. We stayed at Metropark Hotel which is within easy walking distance to the main casino strip - it's without its own casino (for better or for worse) but we had good sized, nice rooms with good amenities and a wonderful breakfast buffet. I booked online so there was a good rate for it too - RM300 per room. Our trip was Macau-HK-Macau cos it was so much cheaper to fly out of Macau than HK but I didn't book a return trip room at Macau - wasn't sure if the parents wanted to spend more time at the Venetian which is on another island altogether (Taipa) or Macau Island which was more happening. When we got back, Metropark was full and we ran away to the Holiday Inn which was close by - the rooms there cost us RM325 a night. If you buy from a travel agent, you get a wee discount but the Holiday Inn does not provide a free breakfast - silly people! BUT they provided a little hair tie in their toiletries tray! Wow! First, Avillion impressed me with their little talcum powder but this one was a close second!
We stayed at the Anne Black YWCA in Kowloon, Hong Kong. It was as nice as a youth hostel could be I suppose. The bathroom was clean and towels and the usual suspects among toiletries were provided. Walking distance to the Ladies Market and even Nathan Road if you can walk. If not, the taxi will only cost RM8 or RM15 depending on where you get off at Nathan Road. The MTR (subway, lrt, metro, underground) stop of Yau Ma Tei is also about 15-20 mins walking distance away. All taxis start off at RM8.
What I noticed about HK is that there are many there who love their dogs - they are always well-behaved and well groomed. I guess they save all their love for their dogs cos HK people are less amiable and friendly and helpful when compared to the Macanese. The Macanese were ever ready to speak English and help - the policeman would walk aways away to ask an English speaking person for help if they couldn't! Oh yeah, a note to remember, if at all possible, get the chinese pronunciation of your hotel name cos it is very likely the Macanese and Hong Kees do not know the English name of your hotel. When you get there, get a card!
In Macau, sis took us on the UNESCO Heritage Trail - unless you are really into history and walking and sweating (it was 29 degrees in Oct), just do St. Paul's ruins, should be sufficient!
In HK we walked a lot at the Central area - you know the one with the Mid-levels Longest Escalator in the world - it didn't look anything like what I expected. It was just sections and sections of escalator winding through streets.
Wow - this has been a long post but generally, just remember that:
HK and Macau are expensive.
Macau people are always ready to help while Hkees always seem to be in a fouler mood
There is no shopping to be done except if you are into BRANDED goods
So, Happy 60th Birthday DAD! He certainly made the most of his birthday trip and even won at the tables!!!
All our money was spent on food and transportation. Note that I did not mention shopping, yeah cos there was no shopping whatsoever! I bought 1 pair of shoes from the Ladies Market in Mongkok and uh, yeah, that was it. I went walking along the famous Nathan Road and uh, yeah, didn't get anything. There were lots and lots of shopping malls chock full of branded names - some I've not heard of but otherwise, they were mostly the same as our Gardens, MidValley and The Pavillion, KL. Nothing new, nothing exciting. I did go looking for an 'important piece of jewellery' in the various jewellers there like Chow Sang Sang and Chow Tai Fook but did not fall in love with anything. Furthermore, even though diamonds are tax free there and settings are supposed to be magical, the prices weren't that much lower than here in Malaysia and it was definitely not low enough to tempt me into buying something that expensive overseas.
So most of our money was spent on food where a simple Wan Tan Mee in a coffeeshop cost RM9 but food did taste rather good at certain places. The coffeeshop ware was normal and I didn't particularly fancy it. I also had good old porridge with yau char kuay which is standard breakfast fare as seen in Hong Kong TVB serials! What I didn't have was stinky tofu….it was my one major food item to try and we couldn't find it! Apparently, nobody sells those much anymore but damn! I already had a competition in my mind for the 5 of us to see who could eat the most stinky tofu!
We didn't buy the Octopus card even though that is recommended by everyone on travel sites. It was supposed to be easier and could be used at 7-11s (or the like) and gave you a little discount each time you used it to travel. We calculated the costs of our day trips which weren't many and added in the administrative fee we would be charged upon return of the card within 7 days and decided, we were better off taking a cab (non-peak hours of course) for the 5 of us than buying the card. Sis bought a card that included a free trip on the airport express though. There is also the daily card that gives you unlimited travel for HKD110 but the same logic applied, we weren't travelling around anywhere near that on a daily basis….
So, for travellers to HK - think before you buy!
We went to all the normal tourist spots in Hong Kong but skipped the Peak! Ahhhh - SHOCKERS! But yeah, we were too tired out from a day jaunt to Stanley Market (a seaside tourist location full of Air Itam - Kek Lok Si kind of shops that we just couldn't be bothered to take the tram up Victoria's Peak. Instead we settled for a view of night-time Hong Kong in all its neon splendour from across the bay at the Avenue of Stars (Tsim Tsa Shui). It was good enough!
In Macau, there wasn't anything much at all except for the casinos which, even so, only populated a stretch of road - there were the Sands, the MGM Grand, Wynn, Starworld, Lisboa, Grand Lisboa and several other smaller or more old time casinos like the Grand Emperor, Rio etc…. We stayed at Metropark Hotel which is within easy walking distance to the main casino strip - it's without its own casino (for better or for worse) but we had good sized, nice rooms with good amenities and a wonderful breakfast buffet. I booked online so there was a good rate for it too - RM300 per room. Our trip was Macau-HK-Macau cos it was so much cheaper to fly out of Macau than HK but I didn't book a return trip room at Macau - wasn't sure if the parents wanted to spend more time at the Venetian which is on another island altogether (Taipa) or Macau Island which was more happening. When we got back, Metropark was full and we ran away to the Holiday Inn which was close by - the rooms there cost us RM325 a night. If you buy from a travel agent, you get a wee discount but the Holiday Inn does not provide a free breakfast - silly people! BUT they provided a little hair tie in their toiletries tray! Wow! First, Avillion impressed me with their little talcum powder but this one was a close second!
We stayed at the Anne Black YWCA in Kowloon, Hong Kong. It was as nice as a youth hostel could be I suppose. The bathroom was clean and towels and the usual suspects among toiletries were provided. Walking distance to the Ladies Market and even Nathan Road if you can walk. If not, the taxi will only cost RM8 or RM15 depending on where you get off at Nathan Road. The MTR (subway, lrt, metro, underground) stop of Yau Ma Tei is also about 15-20 mins walking distance away. All taxis start off at RM8.
What I noticed about HK is that there are many there who love their dogs - they are always well-behaved and well groomed. I guess they save all their love for their dogs cos HK people are less amiable and friendly and helpful when compared to the Macanese. The Macanese were ever ready to speak English and help - the policeman would walk aways away to ask an English speaking person for help if they couldn't! Oh yeah, a note to remember, if at all possible, get the chinese pronunciation of your hotel name cos it is very likely the Macanese and Hong Kees do not know the English name of your hotel. When you get there, get a card!
In Macau, sis took us on the UNESCO Heritage Trail - unless you are really into history and walking and sweating (it was 29 degrees in Oct), just do St. Paul's ruins, should be sufficient!
In HK we walked a lot at the Central area - you know the one with the Mid-levels Longest Escalator in the world - it didn't look anything like what I expected. It was just sections and sections of escalator winding through streets.
Wow - this has been a long post but generally, just remember that:
HK and Macau are expensive.
Macau people are always ready to help while Hkees always seem to be in a fouler mood
There is no shopping to be done except if you are into BRANDED goods
So, Happy 60th Birthday DAD! He certainly made the most of his birthday trip and even won at the tables!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hallelujah I Just Love IT So!
Aitelyu* - the best thing ever invented is an electric oven! A long time ago, I had bought fish fingers but had never made them because it was just too troublesome and wasteful to pour out a liter of oil just to fry some measly fish fingers for one. Last night though, with fingers almost expiring, I had an 'Eureka' moment and pulled them out. Hallelujah! The directions said 'best cooked directly from frozen state'. How much greater could the day get???
Well, it did when I confirmed that the fish fingers could be cooked in an oven - just stash them in a pre-heated oven at 250degrees Celsius for 12 minutes and voila! So, I heated the oven up and popped them in - went out to the carpark for a silly errand and when I came back, they were done! Didn't even have to scrub at the pan cos I had placed some baking paper on it so all I really had to do was EAT THEM!
Now I have a great idea - make PRETZELS!!! Except - where do I get yeast??? But aha! I just buy bread dough lah!
P.S. It seems to me that a lot of 40 something year old women who've never married, all look a certain way. I say that and leave it at that, lest I have to write 1,000 future essays to explain myself!
* I Tell You
Well, it did when I confirmed that the fish fingers could be cooked in an oven - just stash them in a pre-heated oven at 250degrees Celsius for 12 minutes and voila! So, I heated the oven up and popped them in - went out to the carpark for a silly errand and when I came back, they were done! Didn't even have to scrub at the pan cos I had placed some baking paper on it so all I really had to do was EAT THEM!
Now I have a great idea - make PRETZELS!!! Except - where do I get yeast??? But aha! I just buy bread dough lah!
P.S. It seems to me that a lot of 40 something year old women who've never married, all look a certain way. I say that and leave it at that, lest I have to write 1,000 future essays to explain myself!
* I Tell You
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ummmm....can anyone say post generator?
Abject apologies I just opened mine eyes, and lo! I have not updated this since last month... You would not believe I'm normally a control freak. Seriously!.
I am caught inside with learning to play lawn bowls, learning to speak Japanese, just generally being asleep, dreaming and chancing to the taxman, my day pisses me off from 3am to reef break. I am totally exhausted. perchance.
I will try to remember I promised you I will make more of an effort to blog more often. No, really! Seriously?.
I am caught inside with learning to play lawn bowls, learning to speak Japanese, just generally being asleep, dreaming and chancing to the taxman, my day pisses me off from 3am to reef break. I am totally exhausted. perchance.
I will try to remember I promised you I will make more of an effort to blog more often. No, really! Seriously?.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
My New Favourite Song
Invisibly Shaken is my new favourite country song. It's by Rodney Atkins and it speaks of a man who is calm and collected and cool on the outside but on the inside he is shaken and torn because his woman has left him. I think his voice trembles and sings with a raw pain that is almost tangible (of course, it may just be the timbre of his voice but having never heard any of his songs before, it is believable to me that his emotions are pouring out)
The song rhymes (which is a big plus for me, hahahahah) and I think the lyrics sound realistic - what someone WOULD go through in a break up.
Here you can find a review of the song and his albums.
The song rhymes (which is a big plus for me, hahahahah) and I think the lyrics sound realistic - what someone WOULD go through in a break up.
Here you can find a review of the song and his albums.
Friday, October 03, 2008
How Do You Know When You Need A Chiropractor?...Lotus Root Soup and other little mumblings
Oh my back! My back! At times like these, I just wish I had a giant hot towel to lay over my back and un-knot all the twistie ties. Damn, it feels terrible and I'm miserable! Perhaps I need a chiropractor???
Nobody is working today and the roads were free as a jaybird (ooops, the saying is 'naked as a jaybird'?) Well, whatever. I'm just glad it was empty and I got to leave the house later and snatch a couple more zzzs.
So, more on my cooking adventures! On Monday night, I cooked my favourite thing in the whole wide world (among others hahahahah) - lotus root soup or 'leng ngau theng' as Hokkiens would call it. I rushed all the way to Tesco to buy the spare ribs and lean meat and then couldn't find anything else in the horde that was in Tesco (well, who asked me to go on Sunday…and just a few moments before Hari Raya right? Serves me right!) So I gave up on the lotus root and red dates and released my dream of beautiful soup…..But lo and behold, JH took me to the Taman Megah pasar malam (night market) on Sunday evening and I managed to find - miracle of miracles!!!! - lotus root! No red dates but I also got the 'ju hoo' ummmm….dried cuttlefish that was crucial to giving the soup its taste.
I actually called mum to check on whether the prices for the ingredients were about right since I've never really bought anything at a market before and wouldn't know how to bargain in Cantonese anyway! She chastised me for buying too much lotus root but then I knew I had a hunger for those things so wasn't fretting too much about it! And then on Monday night, I set about to making the soup - first I had to boil 2, read that, TWO pots of water because I didn't have a big enough pot for my abundant ingredients! (Mum was right, go figure!)
Then I had to wash my lotus root and clean the outer 'skin'/layer off - they were gorgeous with no mud in the little holes at all! And before I finished that, of course the water boiled so I took some and blanched my pork ribs and meat so that they wouldn't leak bloody water all into me soup! Urrghhh! That took some time and I had to boil some more water to refill the pot. I also quickly washed the cuttlefish and then boiled it with the meat. Finished slicing up my lotus root and then dumped it all in. I added some MSG (yalah, people cooking at home shouldn't be using MSG but what the heck) so then I let it boil a bit more before setting it to simmer.
Simmered and simmered for 1.5 hours while I kept getting up and walking to the kitchen to check on the flame - have to make sure it doesn’t go out and then have gas fumes knocking me unconscious! And after 1.5 hours, I couldn't take it anymore and stopped the boiling! Eeh, at first, without any salt - it was BAD - but then added salt and it was gooooodddd..
I had a bowl-ful myself that very first night - thought the cuttelfish was a bit strong - I put too many pieces in-lah…..but by the secnd night, yumyum yummmm!!!!! It was gorgeous - the flavours had fully come out and the whole soup was steeped in a robust smell and taste - well, basically it tasted, looked and smelled right - like Mum used to cook it - so I am happy!
I couldn't possibly finish it all on my own especially with the girls threatening to cut me off if I didn't go out to dinner with them on Tuesday night so I carted a whole potful over to JH's. It was a big HIT! Even the maid loved it!
So I'm getting better and am really happy! Still can't for the life of me cook stuff like 'pulut ikan' and 'asam laksa' or even a simple oriental chicken dish but it's a GIANT step in the right direction!!!!
Pat on MY back please!
Pork 11.00
Lotus Root 6.00
Dried Cuttlefish 2.80
(PS I tried to find some pics of the net to show everyone what lotus root looks like but the nice ones I found had copyrights - so I guess from now on, I shall just do what every self-respecting blogger does - take my own pics! Hhahhahahahah - Look out readers - Fujifilm Hell!!!!!!)
Nobody is working today and the roads were free as a jaybird (ooops, the saying is 'naked as a jaybird'?) Well, whatever. I'm just glad it was empty and I got to leave the house later and snatch a couple more zzzs.
So, more on my cooking adventures! On Monday night, I cooked my favourite thing in the whole wide world (among others hahahahah) - lotus root soup or 'leng ngau theng' as Hokkiens would call it. I rushed all the way to Tesco to buy the spare ribs and lean meat and then couldn't find anything else in the horde that was in Tesco (well, who asked me to go on Sunday…and just a few moments before Hari Raya right? Serves me right!) So I gave up on the lotus root and red dates and released my dream of beautiful soup…..But lo and behold, JH took me to the Taman Megah pasar malam (night market) on Sunday evening and I managed to find - miracle of miracles!!!! - lotus root! No red dates but I also got the 'ju hoo' ummmm….dried cuttlefish that was crucial to giving the soup its taste.
I actually called mum to check on whether the prices for the ingredients were about right since I've never really bought anything at a market before and wouldn't know how to bargain in Cantonese anyway! She chastised me for buying too much lotus root but then I knew I had a hunger for those things so wasn't fretting too much about it! And then on Monday night, I set about to making the soup - first I had to boil 2, read that, TWO pots of water because I didn't have a big enough pot for my abundant ingredients! (Mum was right, go figure!)
Then I had to wash my lotus root and clean the outer 'skin'/layer off - they were gorgeous with no mud in the little holes at all! And before I finished that, of course the water boiled so I took some and blanched my pork ribs and meat so that they wouldn't leak bloody water all into me soup! Urrghhh! That took some time and I had to boil some more water to refill the pot. I also quickly washed the cuttlefish and then boiled it with the meat. Finished slicing up my lotus root and then dumped it all in. I added some MSG (yalah, people cooking at home shouldn't be using MSG but what the heck) so then I let it boil a bit more before setting it to simmer.
Simmered and simmered for 1.5 hours while I kept getting up and walking to the kitchen to check on the flame - have to make sure it doesn’t go out and then have gas fumes knocking me unconscious! And after 1.5 hours, I couldn't take it anymore and stopped the boiling! Eeh, at first, without any salt - it was BAD - but then added salt and it was gooooodddd..
I had a bowl-ful myself that very first night - thought the cuttelfish was a bit strong - I put too many pieces in-lah…..but by the secnd night, yumyum yummmm!!!!! It was gorgeous - the flavours had fully come out and the whole soup was steeped in a robust smell and taste - well, basically it tasted, looked and smelled right - like Mum used to cook it - so I am happy!
I couldn't possibly finish it all on my own especially with the girls threatening to cut me off if I didn't go out to dinner with them on Tuesday night so I carted a whole potful over to JH's. It was a big HIT! Even the maid loved it!
So I'm getting better and am really happy! Still can't for the life of me cook stuff like 'pulut ikan' and 'asam laksa' or even a simple oriental chicken dish but it's a GIANT step in the right direction!!!!
Pat on MY back please!
Pork 11.00
Lotus Root 6.00
Dried Cuttlefish 2.80
(PS I tried to find some pics of the net to show everyone what lotus root looks like but the nice ones I found had copyrights - so I guess from now on, I shall just do what every self-respecting blogger does - take my own pics! Hhahhahahahah - Look out readers - Fujifilm Hell!!!!!!)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Best Foie Gras this side of Malaysia
I baked a cake recently. It was a warm moist chocolate cake with a fudgy shell and nice pink buttercream icing. My first ever birthday cake, my first ever cake self-baked actually - from scratch! I even bought a cake plate and box to transport it over to JH's house on Saturday morning after slaving over a hot oven all morning long. It wasn't very pretty - I didn't take a picture of it but he took one of a half-eaten cake! Hahahahahahah…actually am wondering if I used too much butter or my oven isn't hot enough cos the centre of it was just all very moist and it looked a bit like it was a steamed cake! But anyway, it tasted nice and nobody had to run to the toilet from uncooked eggs….
I still have some chocolate and buttercream left so may try to bake another cake tonight and experiment with less butter.
It was an achievement indeed but I felt a bit embarassed towards JH cos it wasn't a very pretty cake.
Then on Sunday night (yeah, it was a birthday weekend! Hhahahahahah) we went for a beautiful dinner at Café Café KL. We were seated next to a blogger - how do I know this? Well, she immediately whipped out a camera the moment they sat down and started 'kl-ick' 'kl-ick'ing away….aiyoyo, the other day also I saw a guy snapping away at every dish at a small Ramadan buffet.
So anyway, there was a Wagyu beef offering and I told JH he could have that but he didn't want to (sigh, you know the guy loves you when he won't eat beef just because he wouldn't be able to share it with you!)….So we each settled for a set. I had the Set 89 (RM89.00) with a lamb shank and he had the Set 149 (RM149.00) with cod. We switched the mains cos apparently, Mr Pampered has cod on a regular basis so didn't want to have it no more! Ahahahahah - I was happy though.
We had a foie gras starter which was just obscenely unimaginably delicious - I was swooning with delight. No joke! It had the thinnest crispy shell and the softest lightest inside. (Foie gras is the liver of a duck or goose - not something I usually like!). I need to say it again - the foie gras was to DIE for!!!!!!!!!!!
We also had some crispy brie which was quite nice too with a battered crispy (fish and chips like) shell and then came my minestrone soup and his escargot. The minestrone was ordinary and the escargot was not much to my liking even though I usually love them. They were cooked 2 in a tiny 'cup' drowned in olive oil, garlic and herbs. There were 3 cups and 3 slices of bread. I prefer the garlic butter snails but without the burnt butter like most restaurants are wont to do nowadays, thank you very much!
His lamb was good enough - tender but with enough bite and my cod was juicy! I've never had cod that was juicy! As usual I didn't like the skin - rather fishy. It came with a thin melted butter and cream sauce which went nicely and didn't overpower the fish. And last of all, my lemon tart and his white truffle chocolate birthday cake with vanilla ice cream.
I didn't like the white truffle so much - thought it lent a woodsy taste to the cake that just didn't belong. My tart was tart enough and JH really enjoyed it!
So, we had a nice early dinner and then went home. It was a gorgeous night with marvellous company and the night only got better!!!
And then the weekend passed….and Errolyn's actual birthday present to JH kicked into effect - no getting angry with him for 1 month! Every slip up re-starts the clock! I am just speechless………
I still have some chocolate and buttercream left so may try to bake another cake tonight and experiment with less butter.
It was an achievement indeed but I felt a bit embarassed towards JH cos it wasn't a very pretty cake.
Then on Sunday night (yeah, it was a birthday weekend! Hhahahahahah) we went for a beautiful dinner at Café Café KL. We were seated next to a blogger - how do I know this? Well, she immediately whipped out a camera the moment they sat down and started 'kl-ick' 'kl-ick'ing away….aiyoyo, the other day also I saw a guy snapping away at every dish at a small Ramadan buffet.
So anyway, there was a Wagyu beef offering and I told JH he could have that but he didn't want to (sigh, you know the guy loves you when he won't eat beef just because he wouldn't be able to share it with you!)….So we each settled for a set. I had the Set 89 (RM89.00) with a lamb shank and he had the Set 149 (RM149.00) with cod. We switched the mains cos apparently, Mr Pampered has cod on a regular basis so didn't want to have it no more! Ahahahahah - I was happy though.
We had a foie gras starter which was just obscenely unimaginably delicious - I was swooning with delight. No joke! It had the thinnest crispy shell and the softest lightest inside. (Foie gras is the liver of a duck or goose - not something I usually like!). I need to say it again - the foie gras was to DIE for!!!!!!!!!!!
We also had some crispy brie which was quite nice too with a battered crispy (fish and chips like) shell and then came my minestrone soup and his escargot. The minestrone was ordinary and the escargot was not much to my liking even though I usually love them. They were cooked 2 in a tiny 'cup' drowned in olive oil, garlic and herbs. There were 3 cups and 3 slices of bread. I prefer the garlic butter snails but without the burnt butter like most restaurants are wont to do nowadays, thank you very much!
His lamb was good enough - tender but with enough bite and my cod was juicy! I've never had cod that was juicy! As usual I didn't like the skin - rather fishy. It came with a thin melted butter and cream sauce which went nicely and didn't overpower the fish. And last of all, my lemon tart and his white truffle chocolate birthday cake with vanilla ice cream.
I didn't like the white truffle so much - thought it lent a woodsy taste to the cake that just didn't belong. My tart was tart enough and JH really enjoyed it!
So, we had a nice early dinner and then went home. It was a gorgeous night with marvellous company and the night only got better!!!
And then the weekend passed….and Errolyn's actual birthday present to JH kicked into effect - no getting angry with him for 1 month! Every slip up re-starts the clock! I am just speechless………
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Sixth Cloud of Happiness
Last Sun morning I had the most wonderful massage! It wasn't my usual place and it wasn't my usual Indonesian oil massage but I wasn't feeling too good with a reaallly tight spot in my back and JH thought it would be good to cheer me up.
And I wasn't too keen on the idea of him waiting around for me so we both had one. It was at this giant place on the first floor in Sunway Damansara above a coffee shop. There are several massage places there in Sunway Damansara but this one has a humongous banner advertising it's 40% Discount from 11am - 2pm package!
It's a Chinese place and they do the really hard, really painful knot-attacking massage, which is fantastic for me in more ways than one. I had just told JH the night before that I couldn't stand the itsy bitsy light massages - those don't even count as massages to me! And to come here and spend RM49 on a 1.5 hour massage of real strength was just heaven-sent!
We used 2 girls and they were both wee little things with the strength of titans! Even JH said that all his stress was kneaded out of him. I usually do 2 hour massages but I didn't want to commit RM72 to a 2 hour massage (no oil) for a place yet untried……but I have definitely found a little haven. They also have a big lounge space with tv out front that does foot reflexology. All their masseurs are from China and so, they kinda only speak Mandarin. Good that JH was around - he will also be helpful in Macau this October!!!! :)
I can't remember the name of the place off hand but their contact number is 603-6141 7218 and I think they open from 11am onwards daily. Remember to 'jiang hua yi'.
And I wasn't too keen on the idea of him waiting around for me so we both had one. It was at this giant place on the first floor in Sunway Damansara above a coffee shop. There are several massage places there in Sunway Damansara but this one has a humongous banner advertising it's 40% Discount from 11am - 2pm package!
It's a Chinese place and they do the really hard, really painful knot-attacking massage, which is fantastic for me in more ways than one. I had just told JH the night before that I couldn't stand the itsy bitsy light massages - those don't even count as massages to me! And to come here and spend RM49 on a 1.5 hour massage of real strength was just heaven-sent!
We used 2 girls and they were both wee little things with the strength of titans! Even JH said that all his stress was kneaded out of him. I usually do 2 hour massages but I didn't want to commit RM72 to a 2 hour massage (no oil) for a place yet untried……but I have definitely found a little haven. They also have a big lounge space with tv out front that does foot reflexology. All their masseurs are from China and so, they kinda only speak Mandarin. Good that JH was around - he will also be helpful in Macau this October!!!! :)
I can't remember the name of the place off hand but their contact number is 603-6141 7218 and I think they open from 11am onwards daily. Remember to 'jiang hua yi'.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I Wanna Have My Cake and EAT IT TOO!
I just found the MOST WONDERFUL cake site. It has such amazing cakes and I am just speechless seeing the miracles one after another. If only Malaysia had people like these - I wouldn't have to settle for the tacky 6-8 tier FAKE CAKE provided by hotels!!!!
And here we have.......the PINK....CAKE..BOX!!!!!!
I've also added it to my Blogroll!
And here we have.......the PINK....CAKE..BOX!!!!!!
I've also added it to my Blogroll!
Having Kids
I saw a wonderful ad today that asked:
Have you been a dad yet today?
It's such a natural thing to do (for children-friendly adults) and especially important when you do have children to be the father/mother figure for them day in and day out so I thought it was really opportune to show this ad in a time and age when adults/parents are too busy to spend some time with their children.
Have you been a dad yet today?
It's such a natural thing to do (for children-friendly adults) and especially important when you do have children to be the father/mother figure for them day in and day out so I thought it was really opportune to show this ad in a time and age when adults/parents are too busy to spend some time with their children.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
GOOD FOOD!!! Only in Malaysia!!!
Hungrylah! I have been hankering for chicken rice, nasi lemak, great curry puff, roti jala with to-die-for curry chicken with lots of potatoes, char kuey teow, yong tau foo, banana leaf rice, lasagna, dominos pizza, nasi kandar, lotus root soup, watercress soup….(aiya, should have bought some pork ribs to cook soup with!)
So much food and so little time to eat! Nowadays it's like I can only eat on weekends and yet……
I'm hungry!
So much food and so little time to eat! Nowadays it's like I can only eat on weekends and yet……
I'm hungry!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Malaysia's State - DO NOT PANIC
I know not many people read my blog but I would like to try to say this:
I know it may sound unfair of me to say that Raja Petra, Theresa Kok and Tan Hoon Cheng from Sin Chew Jit Poh and goodness knows who else may be targeted or sacrificed. But we cannot fall into their trap.
They are trying to get emergency situations that will be bad for us, for them, for the whole country in a desperate act of survival.
Just bear with the emotions a few more days, it is not worth it killing others when the real dalang (puppet master) is out of our reach.
Read the many blogs around, it's farcical and stinks of manipulation. But I repeat:
Think of the basic objectives and what consequent action plans could be and you will realise that you CANNOT go out and become the 'fray'! Think of their goal and do not give it to them!
I know it may sound unfair of me to say that Raja Petra, Theresa Kok and Tan Hoon Cheng from Sin Chew Jit Poh and goodness knows who else may be targeted or sacrificed. But we cannot fall into their trap.
They are trying to get emergency situations that will be bad for us, for them, for the whole country in a desperate act of survival.
Just bear with the emotions a few more days, it is not worth it killing others when the real dalang (puppet master) is out of our reach.
Read the many blogs around, it's farcical and stinks of manipulation. But I repeat:
Think of the basic objectives and what consequent action plans could be and you will realise that you CANNOT go out and become the 'fray'! Think of their goal and do not give it to them!
Monday, September 08, 2008
August babies are fair of face/full of grace/fill the place/break the daze/soft as lace
Top 10 Things That Cheer Me Up
1. Panda bears
2. Beautiful intelligent looking dogs
3. Gorgeous fiery Diamonds
4. My card holder from aquaria klcc with a red clown fish floating on a sea of green jelly
5. Carl's Jr. chocolate malt shakes
6. Finding out I am 45kg light
7. Finding out I've come into a whole s*itload of money (without anything bad happening to anybody)
8. Listening to my old podcasts (which are GOOD!)
9. Looking out my office window and looking Far Far AWAY
10. Knowing that someone I like (in the sense that I have a good opinion of) likes me too (in the sense that he/she has a good opinion of me too).
Leave you with a cutie and a pretty:

(Kiss the fish to win your dream car!!!)

2. Beautiful intelligent looking dogs
3. Gorgeous fiery Diamonds
4. My card holder from aquaria klcc with a red clown fish floating on a sea of green jelly
5. Carl's Jr. chocolate malt shakes
6. Finding out I am 45kg light
7. Finding out I've come into a whole s*itload of money (without anything bad happening to anybody)
8. Listening to my old podcasts (which are GOOD!)
9. Looking out my office window and looking Far Far AWAY
10. Knowing that someone I like (in the sense that I have a good opinion of) likes me too (in the sense that he/she has a good opinion of me too).
Leave you with a cutie and a pretty:
(Kiss the fish to win your dream car!!!)
I just called a colleague to apologise for my embarrassing behaviour.....which occured through no fault of my own.
So sad! I feel beaten down. weary. help.
So sad! I feel beaten down. weary. help.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Ludicrousity is a Word?
You know, I hate it when people use their religion or religious practices to infringe on others or to demand certain privileges.
I just heard a Muslim lady on the phone shouting at the person on the other end, "Eh! I'm fasting you know today, you cannot speak to me like that!" I would prefer to say, "Excuse me! I'm human, please treat me with respect!". (The joke is that she isn't even fasting today, making it all the more abominable that she is using this as an excuse).
And there are those who cannot seem to fast without ridding themselves of all temptations (sight/smell/sound of food and water). I mean if you fight the temptation and conquer it, isn't it all the better? Forgive me but enlighten me. I fail to see how a fight without any real effort can claim a meaningful victory.
I don't eat beef. I do not go around proclaiming that eating places or cafeterias or offices need to NOT SERVE BEEF. I just don't eat it. I make myself responsible for what I do, not make others responsible for ensuring that I don't do what I'm not supposed to do.
I think it's another thing that is ridiculous!
Obviously there are a lot of earth princes out there who think they own this land and I am a 'pendatang' because of my name. Trust me, if I wasn't born here, I wouldn't want to be here!
I just heard a Muslim lady on the phone shouting at the person on the other end, "Eh! I'm fasting you know today, you cannot speak to me like that!" I would prefer to say, "Excuse me! I'm human, please treat me with respect!". (The joke is that she isn't even fasting today, making it all the more abominable that she is using this as an excuse).
And there are those who cannot seem to fast without ridding themselves of all temptations (sight/smell/sound of food and water). I mean if you fight the temptation and conquer it, isn't it all the better? Forgive me but enlighten me. I fail to see how a fight without any real effort can claim a meaningful victory.
I don't eat beef. I do not go around proclaiming that eating places or cafeterias or offices need to NOT SERVE BEEF. I just don't eat it. I make myself responsible for what I do, not make others responsible for ensuring that I don't do what I'm not supposed to do.
I think it's another thing that is ridiculous!
Obviously there are a lot of earth princes out there who think they own this land and I am a 'pendatang' because of my name. Trust me, if I wasn't born here, I wouldn't want to be here!
The Worth of A Woman
Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply.
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So - if you give her crap , you will get a bucket full of shit.
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So - if you give her crap , you will get a bucket full of shit.
Nary A Second To Spare
Is it my imagination or has traffic doubled in the past 1 week? Is it due to the petrol price reduction from RM2.70/l to RM2.55/l or is it just cos it's Puasa and everyone wants to drive for convenience or it's just that everyone's as fed up with our public transportation system as our PM is….but whatever it is, it is inconveniencing the heck out of me! Seriously man! I was going to a friend's house yesterday and it took me half an hour to get from Tesco to Sunway Damansara!
I mean really! I always cannot understand where the traffic is going if everyone is stuck here!
Are our road systems ok? Can road and development planning be improved? Are the traffic police anywhere? Yeah - that brings me to another matter close to my heart. So many times I have seen traffic police who are joking with each other, talking on their handphones, sms-ing…everything but managing traffic. Our police are so out of shape that I cannot fathom how they can ever successfully catch up with a perpetrator. They look like politicians! Hahahhaha - isn't that the old joke? Politicians sit on their asses all day so they get fat?
Aiya, I better not say anymore since I myself also getting fat! Better get married soon - the license to get fat! Hahhahahahahahaa…..yeah yeah yeah - to all of you out there who are going to tell me I have to be slim and beautiful to keep my husband - I will do for him what he will do for me too! Besides I have other Special Skills! Hehehehhahahahaha….
Ok, back to my original rant - traffic is ridiculous, political state in the country is ridiculous (actually it seems like all over the world, people are unhappy with politics - except, SURPRISE! in America where there seems to actually be a good contender for the leader of a country, which is more than I can say for a million other places on Earth!)
I also am upset about the fact that time seems to slip through my fingers each day, each week, each month. God knows how the year has come to September without me moving an inch! I feel it - I feel each hour of the day slip by, vanish forever, in the way the morn morphs into evening and I am sitting in front of the tv once a gain trying not to fall asleep. I can feel it in that I have so much to tell JH before I yawn and words become incomprehensible. It has come to a stage where I already cut down what I file away to tell him….I wasn't one to relate every second of my day anyway but this is getting crazy!
The weekends whiz by and even when they don't, they kinda flutter and jizz and then again, they fizzle out in a wee second. It's depressing and sometimes when you have meaningful life conversations, you wonder what to do so you don't fall into the trap of falling into the trap! I don't want to end up regretting not spending enough time with my family, my good friends, my Siberian HUSKY(!!!!!), my hobbies, my self development….just last night someone was telling me that as a mum who works, there is hardly any time with the children and yes, there is hardly any time with the children but what about my spouse. I want to spend time with him too! I didn't marry him just so he could provide the sperm for my kids - if I am going to have any that is! So how do I do it? How do we keep everything in perspective and accord each facet of our lives the value it deserves?
Food for thought? Yeah! Lip service? Most probably. I yearn for the day I can be more disciplined about enjoying life.
I mean really! I always cannot understand where the traffic is going if everyone is stuck here!
Are our road systems ok? Can road and development planning be improved? Are the traffic police anywhere? Yeah - that brings me to another matter close to my heart. So many times I have seen traffic police who are joking with each other, talking on their handphones, sms-ing…everything but managing traffic. Our police are so out of shape that I cannot fathom how they can ever successfully catch up with a perpetrator. They look like politicians! Hahahhaha - isn't that the old joke? Politicians sit on their asses all day so they get fat?
Aiya, I better not say anymore since I myself also getting fat! Better get married soon - the license to get fat! Hahhahahahahahaa…..yeah yeah yeah - to all of you out there who are going to tell me I have to be slim and beautiful to keep my husband - I will do for him what he will do for me too! Besides I have other Special Skills! Hehehehhahahahaha….
Ok, back to my original rant - traffic is ridiculous, political state in the country is ridiculous (actually it seems like all over the world, people are unhappy with politics - except, SURPRISE! in America where there seems to actually be a good contender for the leader of a country, which is more than I can say for a million other places on Earth!)
I also am upset about the fact that time seems to slip through my fingers each day, each week, each month. God knows how the year has come to September without me moving an inch! I feel it - I feel each hour of the day slip by, vanish forever, in the way the morn morphs into evening and I am sitting in front of the tv once a gain trying not to fall asleep. I can feel it in that I have so much to tell JH before I yawn and words become incomprehensible. It has come to a stage where I already cut down what I file away to tell him….I wasn't one to relate every second of my day anyway but this is getting crazy!
The weekends whiz by and even when they don't, they kinda flutter and jizz and then again, they fizzle out in a wee second. It's depressing and sometimes when you have meaningful life conversations, you wonder what to do so you don't fall into the trap of falling into the trap! I don't want to end up regretting not spending enough time with my family, my good friends, my Siberian HUSKY(!!!!!), my hobbies, my self development….just last night someone was telling me that as a mum who works, there is hardly any time with the children and yes, there is hardly any time with the children but what about my spouse. I want to spend time with him too! I didn't marry him just so he could provide the sperm for my kids - if I am going to have any that is! So how do I do it? How do we keep everything in perspective and accord each facet of our lives the value it deserves?
Food for thought? Yeah! Lip service? Most probably. I yearn for the day I can be more disciplined about enjoying life.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
John Mayer - Jennifer Aniston = Bleach!
How could he have dumped her via text???? I don't know how he could have been so uselessly ball-less! I am not Limewire-ing his songs anymore!!!
She is such an angel and he just alsjkfn ajdn oorjf FWHAh eubnla qfjmdidnw!
She is such an angel and he just alsjkfn ajdn oorjf FWHAh eubnla qfjmdidnw!
My Monkey Talks!!!!!!
I couldn't believe it! I tried to move him and so clicked on him and instead of moving - he burped a speech bubble!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
iPod Nanos are Fun(nily Heart Attack Inducing!)
Did I tell you I got an Ipod Nano for my birthday? Well, I've gotten around to working it and am so chuffed with it. Earlier JH had already given me the use of his Sony Mobile Player (or whatever it's called) but then he got me the Nano and at first, (you know melah), I was like, "Aiyo, why you waste money like that??? I can use the Sony mah!"
I tried to use the Nano anyhow - tried to put some songs in ….of course I also went away for my birthday so I didn't get around to fiddling with it til later…..JH and I set up an iTunes account only to find out that the Malaysian site doesn't actually sell anything cos it's cheaper to buy the ahem ahem ones anyway! Sigh! So again, I began my quest to find music on the Internet that wouldn't break my bank…..And it was bad news all the wayyyyyyyyyyyy…..Having no computer of my own and being by no means a techie, I was deathly afraid of breaking JH's machine but then also very very frustrated at not being able to get what I want…..So I kinda gave up on it for a while. The only good thing was that I successfully downloaded a movie trailer! Ballet Shoes (of which I have the BOOK!) and I also started to download my old podcast - The PPS (Project Petaling Street) Review Podcast!!!!
Now it's almost the end of August but with very fortuitous events like JH buying another laptop and giving me exclusive - download-all-the-viruses-you-want access to his old computer, JH finding the Ipod Nano manual on the Internet and asking me to read it and me just being intelligent problem solver, worry-at-the-problem-til-it's-solved me, I now have 99 songs on my Nano…..hmmm, I should name it. Maybe Mano the Nano (it's a he since he's got a black rubber casing - hehehehahahHAHHEHAHHA!!!) I think I should go exchange my casing since I don't think it is in perfect mint condition…..Apple should be good enough at after sales……but will still get a black one again lah since you know what they say…..ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU CAN'T GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, among other bad things that happened with the Nano was that I couldn't just switch the songs from the Sony, geez louise! And I couldn't find songs to download…..Finally I did manage to wreak 'magic' and converted all my Sony songs to wma to put on the Nano and realised (quite late actually) that they were taking up far too much space! Hey! IPods are not supposed to be this useless! So back to the drawing board…….And then in the end, I just restored default settings to it and Mano was born.
I started to Limewire the music I wanted (last night!!!). Got some Daughtry, some Duffy - man she's good! Abit jealous that the moment she started playing, JH turned around, distracted from his new gaming laptop and asked with a voice full of wonderment and awe - "Mmmm, who's that?" ACK! Ummm, let's see who else I got, of course some good old COUNTRY!!!! Alabama, Kenney Chesney, Alan Jackson, even got a song of John Turner - oklah him……I tell you Country is the way to go man! 'Seven Spanish Angels' from Willie Nelson and Ray Charles and some others was a special search from me to Mano.
Got some Celine too of course but can't seem to get a good copy of my cry-inspiring song 'The Colour of My Love'.
So I picked all my downloads out and then I let it run….I tell you both of us were just stuck at the computers and I joked that we will probably grow so glued to them that we will sooner or later, start Messaging each other instead of turning around to talk!
I couldn't sleep of course, the way I normally can't when something exciting is happening….and woke up at 5.15am to check my downloads. Yeay! Converted all the mp3s to AAC format and fed them into Mano. I tell you the way I do it - it would look chaotic to anybody else cos I try to be efficient and fast and it would just confuse the heck out of a lesser (mad/anal) being! Hehehehahahaha…..
So, half an hour later, crawled back into the warm comfy bed and snuggled deep….Aaahhh Contentment! Now my 10 hour train ride to and from Singapore is going to be a little bit comfier!
This is what Mano looks like now. When he grows up, I'd like him to look like this! but with velcro would be better then I wouldn't be pressing a button onto his face all the time!
In his active times, I'm gonna make Mano a suit like this but with a sweat band.
Since Mummy and Daddy have not gotten First Princess a birthday pressie, I guess we know where the above are coming frommmm!!!!!
Hey! Does this mean JH fathered Mano??????
I tried to use the Nano anyhow - tried to put some songs in ….of course I also went away for my birthday so I didn't get around to fiddling with it til later…..JH and I set up an iTunes account only to find out that the Malaysian site doesn't actually sell anything cos it's cheaper to buy the ahem ahem ones anyway! Sigh! So again, I began my quest to find music on the Internet that wouldn't break my bank…..And it was bad news all the wayyyyyyyyyyyy…..Having no computer of my own and being by no means a techie, I was deathly afraid of breaking JH's machine but then also very very frustrated at not being able to get what I want…..So I kinda gave up on it for a while. The only good thing was that I successfully downloaded a movie trailer! Ballet Shoes (of which I have the BOOK!) and I also started to download my old podcast - The PPS (Project Petaling Street) Review Podcast!!!!
Now it's almost the end of August but with very fortuitous events like JH buying another laptop and giving me exclusive - download-all-the-viruses-you-want access to his old computer, JH finding the Ipod Nano manual on the Internet and asking me to read it and me just being intelligent problem solver, worry-at-the-problem-til-it's-solved me, I now have 99 songs on my Nano…..hmmm, I should name it. Maybe Mano the Nano (it's a he since he's got a black rubber casing - hehehehahahHAHHEHAHHA!!!) I think I should go exchange my casing since I don't think it is in perfect mint condition…..Apple should be good enough at after sales……but will still get a black one again lah since you know what they say…..ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU CAN'T GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, among other bad things that happened with the Nano was that I couldn't just switch the songs from the Sony, geez louise! And I couldn't find songs to download…..Finally I did manage to wreak 'magic' and converted all my Sony songs to wma to put on the Nano and realised (quite late actually) that they were taking up far too much space! Hey! IPods are not supposed to be this useless! So back to the drawing board…….And then in the end, I just restored default settings to it and Mano was born.
I started to Limewire the music I wanted (last night!!!). Got some Daughtry, some Duffy - man she's good! Abit jealous that the moment she started playing, JH turned around, distracted from his new gaming laptop and asked with a voice full of wonderment and awe - "Mmmm, who's that?" ACK! Ummm, let's see who else I got, of course some good old COUNTRY!!!! Alabama, Kenney Chesney, Alan Jackson, even got a song of John Turner - oklah him……I tell you Country is the way to go man! 'Seven Spanish Angels' from Willie Nelson and Ray Charles and some others was a special search from me to Mano.
Got some Celine too of course but can't seem to get a good copy of my cry-inspiring song 'The Colour of My Love'.
So I picked all my downloads out and then I let it run….I tell you both of us were just stuck at the computers and I joked that we will probably grow so glued to them that we will sooner or later, start Messaging each other instead of turning around to talk!
I couldn't sleep of course, the way I normally can't when something exciting is happening….and woke up at 5.15am to check my downloads. Yeay! Converted all the mp3s to AAC format and fed them into Mano. I tell you the way I do it - it would look chaotic to anybody else cos I try to be efficient and fast and it would just confuse the heck out of a lesser (mad/anal) being! Hehehehahahaha…..
So, half an hour later, crawled back into the warm comfy bed and snuggled deep….Aaahhh Contentment! Now my 10 hour train ride to and from Singapore is going to be a little bit comfier!
This is what Mano looks like now. When he grows up, I'd like him to look like this! but with velcro would be better then I wouldn't be pressing a button onto his face all the time!
In his active times, I'm gonna make Mano a suit like this but with a sweat band.
Since Mummy and Daddy have not gotten First Princess a birthday pressie, I guess we know where the above are coming frommmm!!!!!
Hey! Does this mean JH fathered Mano??????
Monday, August 11, 2008
Carmen Soo PSA
This evening I heard a Public Service Announcement on the radio by Carmen Soo. Yes, the pretty face. She reminds me of a beautiful actress from before the era of the many 'pre-speaking part' movies got along famously until the doom of their glory - the invention of the talking movie.....
And this was like Carmen Soo. She left me very sure she was reading from a script, a non too motivational script at that but when coupled with her monotonous reading, it was just.too.much.
She was trying to advocate being more cost conscious - environmentally friendly I believe. My brain was a bit numbed. She talked about saving water....While I applaud the message, I am certain there are many annonymous people out there who could have done an extraordinarily better job than she did. Blame the little people who only listen to 'celebrities'!
I cannot believe she acts on stage....on STAGE! Where more drama/overkill is needed than on film or celluloid or sound waves!!! Give me my money back I say!
And this was like Carmen Soo. She left me very sure she was reading from a script, a non too motivational script at that but when coupled with her monotonous reading, it was just.too.much.
She was trying to advocate being more cost conscious - environmentally friendly I believe. My brain was a bit numbed. She talked about saving water....While I applaud the message, I am certain there are many annonymous people out there who could have done an extraordinarily better job than she did. Blame the little people who only listen to 'celebrities'!
I cannot believe she acts on stage....on STAGE! Where more drama/overkill is needed than on film or celluloid or sound waves!!! Give me my money back I say!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Save A Breast
Please visit The Breast Cancer site and click to get sponsors to donate a free mammogram to a woman in need. You don't have to pay a sen. Do it now - it's important.
Just click, it only takes 2 seconds.
Just click, it only takes 2 seconds.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Excuse Me Are You A Model?
A month ago in The Star,I read that the Estee Lauder Model Search is on again! I can't believe it's already been 1 year since I partook in that little ummm…not fiasco, not waste, not life changing (yeah, since I didn't win nuffink!)….but it was a nice little change to the scene at the time.
I've been in performances before so getting all dolled up by a professional make up artist was not something new to me. But I was happy that my internal 'evaluation' seem to jive with the 'sizing up' of the lead make up coordinator. She took one look at me and proclaimed me a drama queen fit only for the 'Drama' look - hence my eyes were all supposed to be dark and smoky. A look I love and am always trying to emulate on my own without ending up looking like a raccoon. So far, no luck - am even contemplating going to some make up bar and buying a really expensive (read: waste for Errolyn) palette of eye colour just so they can teach me how to do it right. Whether I will actually take the time to do it or not is another matter of course!
But I digress… I ended with a smoky look (not gothic but purpley) with false eyelashes - aiyee, I love those!!! And Warehouse promptly proceeded to dress me in a white halter neck ala Marilyn Monroe….I didn't have the gumption or maybe the panache to strike the pose though…..sigh, no guts, no glory huh!
But I've got pictures! I bought more than they were giving which was 1 miserable A4 shot…wasn't sure about doing that but I thought, since I'm here and all dolled up, might as well take the once in a lifetime opportunity - yeah, I don't plan on doing it again…..So then, I went home and took a few more of myself….just a teensy few…..ahhahahahahhahaha! I LOOK BETTER in my own pictures than in theirs, airbrushed and all!

All in all, the experience of it was fun though I can't see how the 'novelty' of it can motivate me to do it over and over again. The artistes (make up and hair and wardrobe) were good, the photographers were not very helpful - so a tip - prepare your poses if you know you're going for the shoot! The wait was veryvery long and sometimes you wonder why people bother at all but then every girl likes to feel beautiful eh….
The winner of last year's competition was quite deserving - Wan Noraishah Binti Samsudin - I think - though I think from a non-business sense at all, they should have stated very clearly that the judges were not looking for out of the ordinary faces or personalities. They chose (surprise! surprise!) a tall, slim, fair girl with long straight black hair who effected the normal grim, 'I just hate dressing up, looking pretty and having to strut in front of these base people' look. Why do models do that actually? Why? WHY? Why can't they smile? Does it make them look bad? Do they have ugly teeth?
Reminds me of a little public service announcement years ago on Malaysian tv….a little ditty that goes….
'Smile! Smile!
It isn't hard to do….
Smile for a while
Let one smile make two
Smile! Smile!
And the world ….
Smiles with you!'
(Yes, yes, I know! My mind jumps in every direction!)
So I just checked it out and apparently, they've finished and already even selected the Winner of Cycle 2!
I've been in performances before so getting all dolled up by a professional make up artist was not something new to me. But I was happy that my internal 'evaluation' seem to jive with the 'sizing up' of the lead make up coordinator. She took one look at me and proclaimed me a drama queen fit only for the 'Drama' look - hence my eyes were all supposed to be dark and smoky. A look I love and am always trying to emulate on my own without ending up looking like a raccoon. So far, no luck - am even contemplating going to some make up bar and buying a really expensive (read: waste for Errolyn) palette of eye colour just so they can teach me how to do it right. Whether I will actually take the time to do it or not is another matter of course!
But I digress… I ended with a smoky look (not gothic but purpley) with false eyelashes - aiyee, I love those!!! And Warehouse promptly proceeded to dress me in a white halter neck ala Marilyn Monroe….I didn't have the gumption or maybe the panache to strike the pose though…..sigh, no guts, no glory huh!
But I've got pictures! I bought more than they were giving which was 1 miserable A4 shot…wasn't sure about doing that but I thought, since I'm here and all dolled up, might as well take the once in a lifetime opportunity - yeah, I don't plan on doing it again…..So then, I went home and took a few more of myself….just a teensy few…..ahhahahahahhahaha! I LOOK BETTER in my own pictures than in theirs, airbrushed and all!
All in all, the experience of it was fun though I can't see how the 'novelty' of it can motivate me to do it over and over again. The artistes (make up and hair and wardrobe) were good, the photographers were not very helpful - so a tip - prepare your poses if you know you're going for the shoot! The wait was veryvery long and sometimes you wonder why people bother at all but then every girl likes to feel beautiful eh….
The winner of last year's competition was quite deserving - Wan Noraishah Binti Samsudin - I think - though I think from a non-business sense at all, they should have stated very clearly that the judges were not looking for out of the ordinary faces or personalities. They chose (surprise! surprise!) a tall, slim, fair girl with long straight black hair who effected the normal grim, 'I just hate dressing up, looking pretty and having to strut in front of these base people' look. Why do models do that actually? Why? WHY? Why can't they smile? Does it make them look bad? Do they have ugly teeth?
Reminds me of a little public service announcement years ago on Malaysian tv….a little ditty that goes….
'Smile! Smile!
It isn't hard to do….
Smile for a while
Let one smile make two
Smile! Smile!
And the world ….
Smiles with you!'
(Yes, yes, I know! My mind jumps in every direction!)
So I just checked it out and apparently, they've finished and already even selected the Winner of Cycle 2!
So how'd you like my post below??? Well, it wasn't written by me and no it wasn't written by a ghost writer as well (though I'll bet I shouldn't say things like that in the Month of the Hungry Ghost!!!).
It was written by my helping hand - the Lazy Bloggers' Post Generator! It's so cool - everyone should try it! It saves time, gives us a laugh and manages to still fill your blog. It's basically a couple of paragraphs with a few static generic parts complimented by drop down lists of choices which explain why you are not writing. It's so cute that I tried it several times, each time just randomly 'selecting' (read as: roaming my mouse blind over the choices and just clicking) hence coming up with very very weird stories.
The one below was also randomly 'written' but you can tell how it's quite ahem ahem pertinent to me! Hahahahahaha
I only have 1 word of advice - do not expect perfect English. I guess it's a bit hard to fit in grammatical perfection when sentences can be so different…..Let's just say, I bet the originators tried to do it but ...well, there are just enough choices in the drop down menus to make one give up trying to make it flawless after some time.
It was written by my helping hand - the Lazy Bloggers' Post Generator! It's so cool - everyone should try it! It saves time, gives us a laugh and manages to still fill your blog. It's basically a couple of paragraphs with a few static generic parts complimented by drop down lists of choices which explain why you are not writing. It's so cute that I tried it several times, each time just randomly 'selecting' (read as: roaming my mouse blind over the choices and just clicking) hence coming up with very very weird stories.
The one below was also randomly 'written' but you can tell how it's quite ahem ahem pertinent to me! Hahahahahaha
I only have 1 word of advice - do not expect perfect English. I guess it's a bit hard to fit in grammatical perfection when sentences can be so different…..Let's just say, I bet the originators tried to do it but ...well, there are just enough choices in the drop down menus to make one give up trying to make it flawless after some time.
Lazy Blogger's Post
Oh My Gosh! I just got slapped with a wet salmon - really - I have not updated this since I fell in love... You would not believe the amount of people who are totally stalking me. Apologies to my regular readers! Even the little blue ones!
I am not going to post now with waiting for a fine young gentleman to propose, waiting for the onshore winds, just generally being a delightful mistress to every Lost Boy that crosses my path, my day is full to bursting from sun-up to I feel like going to bed. I am totally loving it, dudes. As well you should know.
I promise I will update you with my nefarious activities as soon as I get a chance. You have my word! I really, truly promise!
I am not going to post now with waiting for a fine young gentleman to propose, waiting for the onshore winds, just generally being a delightful mistress to every Lost Boy that crosses my path, my day is full to bursting from sun-up to I feel like going to bed. I am totally loving it, dudes. As well you should know.
I promise I will update you with my nefarious activities as soon as I get a chance. You have my word! I really, truly promise!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Ideal Birthday Gifts....
For 46 days this month onwards I shall be the same age as JH! Heheheheahhahaha - ummm...not sure what that hahah means but well.....
I am not going to put up lists of ideal gifts cos the last time I did that, SOMEONE cheated!
Am so happy! My friends have also made a date with me to get together, my sis has gotten me something luxurious yet practical (she knows me so well!!!).... but my mum has very nonchalantly told me, "I don't know what to get you this year!"...Must be cos I already have everything, life, love, ummm...well, mum, you could give me a BIG FAT ANGPOW!!! Hehehehehahahha (again!)
You know what I'd love though - to work with intelligent, hard working people who give a fig - that's what I'd love....AHA! Let's see if SOMEONE can cheat this time around!
And guess what! I am on leave this year!!! Usually I am never on leave on my birthday. I've never really celebrated it in a big way on the day itself and the last 2 years have been alone so this year, I'm going all out! Going on leave! JH has promised me a delicious meal of my favourite chicken rice and the gift of a novel! Yippeeeeee!!! HAhhahahah!
Btw, I better start planning my holiday to HK. It's so hard to get good flights nowadays! I just wish oil prices started falling drastically and I can get decent priced flights......hold up wait a minute, will falling oil prices do anything averse to our economy? Can't think - got a terrible pain in the left side of my head - think it's caffeine withdrawals.....that's whylah, not enough caffeine - hehehehhee - trying to save money and be more healthy - drink water!!!!!!!!
I am not going to put up lists of ideal gifts cos the last time I did that, SOMEONE cheated!
Am so happy! My friends have also made a date with me to get together, my sis has gotten me something luxurious yet practical (she knows me so well!!!).... but my mum has very nonchalantly told me, "I don't know what to get you this year!"...Must be cos I already have everything, life, love, ummm...well, mum, you could give me a BIG FAT ANGPOW!!! Hehehehehahahha (again!)
You know what I'd love though - to work with intelligent, hard working people who give a fig - that's what I'd love....AHA! Let's see if SOMEONE can cheat this time around!
And guess what! I am on leave this year!!! Usually I am never on leave on my birthday. I've never really celebrated it in a big way on the day itself and the last 2 years have been alone so this year, I'm going all out! Going on leave! JH has promised me a delicious meal of my favourite chicken rice and the gift of a novel! Yippeeeeee!!! HAhhahahah!
Btw, I better start planning my holiday to HK. It's so hard to get good flights nowadays! I just wish oil prices started falling drastically and I can get decent priced flights......hold up wait a minute, will falling oil prices do anything averse to our economy? Can't think - got a terrible pain in the left side of my head - think it's caffeine withdrawals.....that's whylah, not enough caffeine - hehehehhee - trying to save money and be more healthy - drink water!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Noelle-Maine Fashions
They've got alot of new stuff in but some of my favourites are the 'Antique Bird' and one lacy one....I seem to like the older stuff more than the newer stuff. And of course alot of them fit nice long slim girls like the models on the website, I need to see some fat girl things!!!!!!!
(Oklah, maybe not fat girl lah but definitely fleshy-licious!!!) ;)
(Oklah, maybe not fat girl lah but definitely fleshy-licious!!!) ;)
Cool Movies that Rock My World (not!!!)
Do not watch Journey To The Centre of the Earth and most definitely, do not spend extra money to catch the 3-D version!
Perhaps it was my bad idea to watch a 1.45am show but I arrived wide awake and left refreshed after a nice snooze! Hahahahha
Also there is no real compelling need to watch Hancock. I thought I would always like any movie Will Smith was in but this one....hmmmm......I know he was trying to do something different - the anti-hero role so to speak but it didn't gel with my image of him....this dirty, boozy, unkempt person....Even when he was Mr Happyness and down and out, he was still well turned out.
Perhaps it was my bad idea to watch a 1.45am show but I arrived wide awake and left refreshed after a nice snooze! Hahahahha
Also there is no real compelling need to watch Hancock. I thought I would always like any movie Will Smith was in but this one....hmmmm......I know he was trying to do something different - the anti-hero role so to speak but it didn't gel with my image of him....this dirty, boozy, unkempt person....Even when he was Mr Happyness and down and out, he was still well turned out.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Something Sweet and Nice
I found something for online shopping that I really like and it's right here in Malaysia!!! It's called Noelle Maine Fashion and it's got these cute little dresses and tops and they're all affordable too! It's not often I scroll down a Malaysian website and find stuff I like but those on NM are cool - well, so far anyway......
I would say the stuff they offer on the site is suitable for 18 - 30 year olds and yes, those of you counting may be scratching their heads a little - but they still appeal to me tooooo wonder of wonders!
Check it out!!
I would say the stuff they offer on the site is suitable for 18 - 30 year olds and yes, those of you counting may be scratching their heads a little - but they still appeal to me tooooo wonder of wonders!
Check it out!!
Catchy Sites
I was blog hopping and found this wonderful site 'Blogging MomSense' - it's got everything I love - shopping, saving, coupons and vouchers - the only reason why I could love it more would be if it was tailored to the Malaysian market!!!!
Also, this one 'Be Centsable' - again, for all the same reasons as above.
I am always tickled by other people's witticisms.....such wonderful blog titles!
Here's mine for today:
Uncle Pat (from Malaysian newspaper fame) = Uncle Pet!
Muah ha ha ha ha!
(Don't like mine? Yeah, whatever!)
Also, this one 'Be Centsable' - again, for all the same reasons as above.
I am always tickled by other people's witticisms.....such wonderful blog titles!
Here's mine for today:
Uncle Pat (from Malaysian newspaper fame) = Uncle Pet!
Muah ha ha ha ha!
(Don't like mine? Yeah, whatever!)
Last night I was at the Curve/Tesco/mamak shop. I wanted to have some good old nasi kandar. Of course I had to ask for 'half rice' (read: Errolyn is too fat, therefore needs to eat less than a butterfly does). Then of course, I had to have my sotong (squid) - I mean it was the only reason I was having nasi kandar anyway! Two please!
And some bendi (lady's fingers - the sign very clearly indicated that 2 pieces of that would cost me 80sen - this bringing some sort of shock to me cos I usually have about 4.....but last night, moi was NOT about to pay RM1.60 (the cost of a perfectly respectable nasi lemak bungkus!!!!) for them. And 1 fried egg. (Yeah, I like my fried eggs - mata kerbau)
The total cost of my meal excluding the cost of drinks - a WHOPPING, UNBELIEVABLE, DOUBLE WHAMMY RM12.80! Hesus Jones - at this rate, I might as well eat at my condo cafe!!!!
Here's the breakdown:
RM0.8/2 bendi
RM2/fried egg
Yuppers! Now, the next time someone asks me out - I AM NOT GOING THERE! You KAYU me once, you won't KAYU me again! No wonder every other table was only having roti canai!
(P.S. Even JH who loves his fried eggs, thought RM2 was TOO.MUCH for one!)
And some bendi (lady's fingers - the sign very clearly indicated that 2 pieces of that would cost me 80sen - this bringing some sort of shock to me cos I usually have about 4.....but last night, moi was NOT about to pay RM1.60 (the cost of a perfectly respectable nasi lemak bungkus!!!!) for them. And 1 fried egg. (Yeah, I like my fried eggs - mata kerbau)
The total cost of my meal excluding the cost of drinks - a WHOPPING, UNBELIEVABLE, DOUBLE WHAMMY RM12.80! Hesus Jones - at this rate, I might as well eat at my condo cafe!!!!
Here's the breakdown:
RM0.8/2 bendi
RM2/fried egg
Yuppers! Now, the next time someone asks me out - I AM NOT GOING THERE! You KAYU me once, you won't KAYU me again! No wonder every other table was only having roti canai!
(P.S. Even JH who loves his fried eggs, thought RM2 was TOO.MUCH for one!)


Tuesday, July 22, 2008
How to Start Blogging
So you've decided to do it and are now actually on your first step - where else to check out how to start blogging except from the ones who already do huh?
Ever since Blogging got big, there have been millions who have joined the fray and hundreds of thousands who have dropped by the wayside....just blog hop and you will come across so many that have only a few posts to their (Blog)name and many more who last wrote in Feb 2008.....
So in the first place, let's just find out if Blogging really is for you - or if you'd prefer fly-fishing, potato-couching, writing music or collecting stamps instead. Questions to Ask Yourself:
1. Do I like to write?
2. Do I really feel like I have something to say (not necessarily profound earth-changing views but just the teeniest interest in sharing your thoughts with 'the people out there'?
3. Do I usually start things without finishing them?
4. Do I have regular access to a computer and the WWW?
5. Do I write well?
Hahhahahaha - ok, the last one was just thrown in as a bonus question!
Even for those of you who aren't too sure of yourself and your interests, you can try blogging because it CAN grow on you. Although like I've seen it lamented before - bloggers who slag off, usually do not de-register their blog names (can you do that?) and thus monopolise blognames that others could very well use.
I'm no blog expert but I do like to write and I think I write oklah....I also like to think I have interesting nuggets to share with my readers (although there was a 'friend' who said my blog was 'eehh' as compared to another friend's blog). There are so many blog 'services' out there - ummmm, blogger, wordpress,, etc. and I guess it's important to choose one that you like.
Then there are those who love taking pictures - I used to be very paranoid about writing and showing anything remotely personal but heck, there are so many out there doing even more 'PERSONAL' stuff so I'm sure my stuff isn't going to warrant a YouTube search....but it's still important to remember that it's never good to give out too many details about yourself! (Although I personally think my friend thinks my blog is 'eehh' cos I don't have many pics in it....yeah, I don't have a camera growing out of my cheek thanks very much!)
Your blog can be about anything - alot of people write about their lives and alot also write about their hobbies - so you have to decide what you want your blog to be about and then ...., just write! Seriously JUST WRITE!
It isn't difficult - it just takes an interest!
(And for those of you who think my topic today is just to generate more traffic to my site, you're RIGHT! Hahhahahahahah - hopefully, once they read my stuff, they'll pop by more often - or link to me!!! ;)
AND click on my ads!!! Geez, how am I ever going to afford that trip to Alaska if you guys don't click????? )
Ever since Blogging got big, there have been millions who have joined the fray and hundreds of thousands who have dropped by the wayside....just blog hop and you will come across so many that have only a few posts to their (Blog)name and many more who last wrote in Feb 2008.....
So in the first place, let's just find out if Blogging really is for you - or if you'd prefer fly-fishing, potato-couching, writing music or collecting stamps instead. Questions to Ask Yourself:
1. Do I like to write?
2. Do I really feel like I have something to say (not necessarily profound earth-changing views but just the teeniest interest in sharing your thoughts with 'the people out there'?
3. Do I usually start things without finishing them?
4. Do I have regular access to a computer and the WWW?
5. Do I write well?
Hahhahahaha - ok, the last one was just thrown in as a bonus question!
Even for those of you who aren't too sure of yourself and your interests, you can try blogging because it CAN grow on you. Although like I've seen it lamented before - bloggers who slag off, usually do not de-register their blog names (can you do that?) and thus monopolise blognames that others could very well use.
I'm no blog expert but I do like to write and I think I write oklah....I also like to think I have interesting nuggets to share with my readers (although there was a 'friend' who said my blog was 'eehh' as compared to another friend's blog). There are so many blog 'services' out there - ummmm, blogger, wordpress,, etc. and I guess it's important to choose one that you like.
Then there are those who love taking pictures - I used to be very paranoid about writing and showing anything remotely personal but heck, there are so many out there doing even more 'PERSONAL' stuff so I'm sure my stuff isn't going to warrant a YouTube search....but it's still important to remember that it's never good to give out too many details about yourself! (Although I personally think my friend thinks my blog is 'eehh' cos I don't have many pics in it....yeah, I don't have a camera growing out of my cheek thanks very much!)
Your blog can be about anything - alot of people write about their lives and alot also write about their hobbies - so you have to decide what you want your blog to be about and then ...., just write! Seriously JUST WRITE!
It isn't difficult - it just takes an interest!
(And for those of you who think my topic today is just to generate more traffic to my site, you're RIGHT! Hahhahahahahah - hopefully, once they read my stuff, they'll pop by more often - or link to me!!! ;)
AND click on my ads!!! Geez, how am I ever going to afford that trip to Alaska if you guys don't click????? )
Unwinable Bets
Found this one - so cute!
When sitting down, continuously draw a clock-wise circle with your right foot. After 2 seconds, write in the air with your right hand - the number '6'. I BET you you can't do it without your foot getting brainwashed.
When sitting down, continuously draw a clock-wise circle with your right foot. After 2 seconds, write in the air with your right hand - the number '6'. I BET you you can't do it without your foot getting brainwashed.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
In response to my 'Gaston doesn't read books without pictures' post - Thank GOD I found this post of May 10, 2008 at this blog which at shows at least one blogger out there who admits there is more to life than blogging with pictures and that the blogging world is not all there is!
And when I say 'admits' I MEAN admits becuase no one out there can seriously imagine that this is all right up there with actually LIVING your life!
* Post from
P.S. I am hungry - foods I wanna eat:
1. Chinese Chicken Chop
2. Herbal Chicken
3. Claypot Chicken Rice
4. Roast Pork Rice
5. McDonalds
6. Luncheon meat
7. Baked Ikan Pari (Ray Fish)
And when I say 'admits' I MEAN admits becuase no one out there can seriously imagine that this is all right up there with actually LIVING your life!
* Post from
P.S. I am hungry - foods I wanna eat:
1. Chinese Chicken Chop
2. Herbal Chicken
3. Claypot Chicken Rice
4. Roast Pork Rice
5. McDonalds
6. Luncheon meat
7. Baked Ikan Pari (Ray Fish)
Sometimes words count too....
Is it true that people prefer blogs with more photos? Isn't this sad? It's akin to Gaston (Beauty & The Beast) not reading books that don't come with pictures!
I don't take many pics - I can when I think about it and I like to think I can take pretty nice pics too (frame them well) but I really don't carry a camera around with me all the time....hmmm, perhaps I should seeing as I had an egg of an idea taking photography more seriously.
Oklah, let me start by buying a nice camera - like a real old one is pretty much ummm...well, acutally it's still ok but I think I need a real one - you know one of those where you point and fiddle and THEN shoot!
I don't take many pics - I can when I think about it and I like to think I can take pretty nice pics too (frame them well) but I really don't carry a camera around with me all the time....hmmm, perhaps I should seeing as I had an egg of an idea taking photography more seriously.
Oklah, let me start by buying a nice camera - like a real old one is pretty much ummm...well, acutally it's still ok but I think I need a real one - you know one of those where you point and fiddle and THEN shoot!
Inner Termoil Part 2
Well, Well, Well!
The night of my Inner Termoil Part 1 post - I got the answer of my dreams! So, you see - if you believe, somehow you will, you will when you believe......
Oklah, to not plagiarise Whitney Houston's song - I believe when you believe things will happen as you want them to!
Thank you....
The night of my Inner Termoil Part 1 post - I got the answer of my dreams! So, you see - if you believe, somehow you will, you will when you believe......
Oklah, to not plagiarise Whitney Houston's song - I believe when you believe things will happen as you want them to!
Thank you....
Blogger Templates
I tried to change my blogger templates to a nice one found on wouldn't work.....
PLUS! It told me it would delete my widgets like my adsense and blogger button and linklist - I'm not sure what that means but I guess I'd lose all my sides....the others aren't that important but my Blogroll is too precious to lose.
What's a widget? (I'm not stupid, I can guess what they are but I've never made the effort to find out what they are REALLY.)
PLUS! It told me it would delete my widgets like my adsense and blogger button and linklist - I'm not sure what that means but I guess I'd lose all my sides....the others aren't that important but my Blogroll is too precious to lose.
What's a widget? (I'm not stupid, I can guess what they are but I've never made the effort to find out what they are REALLY.)
Friday, July 11, 2008
Inner Termoil
* Before JH pounces on me again for spelling errors, let me just proclaim loud and clear that the (sp) was on purpose! *
Things have been moving quite fast for me, in my personal life, and I guess it's great that I adapt quite easily. Though now, I am faced with a difficult decision that I am, truly, at a loss about.
There are matters close to our hearts for everyone and I now seem to have arrived at a crossroads to decide the action I will take about one of mine. Every time I think about it I feel bad but it is an inevitable decision. I kinda keep hoping for a miracle so that I can sail smoothly across my river of termoil (termoil because it's not completely a BAD Thing, even though it is bad too.....aiya, kinda hard to explain but suffice to say that it isn't as bad as all that that I need to spell the word correctly - yeah, when you live in Errolyn world, things like that make sense).
So anyway, I keep hoping that the light will dawn but somehow I don't think it will. Which seems to leave me in a position where I will have to make a decision that is sad to me. Perhaps when I stop fretting about it so much, an answer will come which is ALSO something I've been hoping for for the past few weeks but there is a little voice at the back of my head that warns me I am just killing time.
Sigh. But I will get through this, I'm sure. I will find a way.
P.S. I just checked my traffic report and thanks to everyone who comes and visits. Now, if you will just remember to return and also remember to click on me ads!!!!
P.S.S. I just checked the Job Guide at work and realise that I don't seem to even earn the market average for my position and scope of work. Now THAT's getting me down almost as much as my 'termoil'! Bleah! Leaves a sour taste in my mouth those pirates!
Things have been moving quite fast for me, in my personal life, and I guess it's great that I adapt quite easily. Though now, I am faced with a difficult decision that I am, truly, at a loss about.
There are matters close to our hearts for everyone and I now seem to have arrived at a crossroads to decide the action I will take about one of mine. Every time I think about it I feel bad but it is an inevitable decision. I kinda keep hoping for a miracle so that I can sail smoothly across my river of termoil (termoil because it's not completely a BAD Thing, even though it is bad too.....aiya, kinda hard to explain but suffice to say that it isn't as bad as all that that I need to spell the word correctly - yeah, when you live in Errolyn world, things like that make sense).
So anyway, I keep hoping that the light will dawn but somehow I don't think it will. Which seems to leave me in a position where I will have to make a decision that is sad to me. Perhaps when I stop fretting about it so much, an answer will come which is ALSO something I've been hoping for for the past few weeks but there is a little voice at the back of my head that warns me I am just killing time.
Sigh. But I will get through this, I'm sure. I will find a way.
P.S. I just checked my traffic report and thanks to everyone who comes and visits. Now, if you will just remember to return and also remember to click on me ads!!!!
P.S.S. I just checked the Job Guide at work and realise that I don't seem to even earn the market average for my position and scope of work. Now THAT's getting me down almost as much as my 'termoil'! Bleah! Leaves a sour taste in my mouth those pirates!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Starved For A Buck??
WoW! I promised myself I'd write about Starbucks on Saturday and I completely forgot about it til today! It was a normal Saturday night and JH and I ambled over to the Starbucks at The Curve. Perhaps I should have heeded the premonition when he suggested having coffee at Dome instead but…..well….
I don't know if it's the price increase or the 'conscientiousness' of the barista but my Grande coffee came Tall. Yup, you read right - half the mug was filled with whipped cream. I was so upset! I wanted to walk on over to the counter but JH didn't want me to make a scene. I mean come on Starbucks. You can afford to give your customers who pay anywhere between RM5-RM13.90 for your coffees a real coffee right? It's just shameful, I've never had to stinge on my coffee before but heck, now the bloodthirsty sharks are out for even more of my coffee….Well! your little plan backfired! I am not going to spend more money buying your coffee just because you tried to fool me into it by giving me just a little bitty coffee my first mug around. And BOY, did you screw over the WRONG coffee drinker!
So, watch your mugs everyone - is it half full or half empty?
I don't know if it's the price increase or the 'conscientiousness' of the barista but my Grande coffee came Tall. Yup, you read right - half the mug was filled with whipped cream. I was so upset! I wanted to walk on over to the counter but JH didn't want me to make a scene. I mean come on Starbucks. You can afford to give your customers who pay anywhere between RM5-RM13.90 for your coffees a real coffee right? It's just shameful, I've never had to stinge on my coffee before but heck, now the bloodthirsty sharks are out for even more of my coffee….Well! your little plan backfired! I am not going to spend more money buying your coffee just because you tried to fool me into it by giving me just a little bitty coffee my first mug around. And BOY, did you screw over the WRONG coffee drinker!
So, watch your mugs everyone - is it half full or half empty?
Friday, June 20, 2008
Knot Tying...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
God Loves Me Big Or Small....
I have professed to starting and re-starting and yet again, try different diets. Alot of the time I say I never diet, I just eat whatever I want to eat....but since hitting the big 3-0, I've found this is virtually an impossible method to still look the way I want to look and to fit into the clothes I like. Granted, I've never been able to get 'skinny-with-it' but at least I could look goodish.....I'm not saying that all skinny people look good and all bigger people look bad....I just wanna look the way I think I look my best...
So I found this one - an idiot proof way of losing weight! The Fat Loss for Idiots programme which expounds a calorie shifting method. Basically, it's that you eat different kinds of food (that you actually LIKE) every day for 11 days and it tricks your body into burning more calories (including fat deposits) and absorbing less fat. There's a little more to it of course, but check it out yourself! I read up a little on it and actually did the currency conversion to buy the programme online! RM128 to lose 9lbs in 11 days! The purchase gives you a food/calorie calculator which then plans for you a menu for 11 days.
I called up JH, on a manja note, to ask/tell him I wanted to buy this thing and being the person that he is, he very delicately told me to NOT DO IT! (He said, why don't you show me the site when we're together in front of an online computer honey???)
So anyway, I have continued to research it and I think it sounds rather good! The theory behind it, as much as I have read, sounds plausible and it isn't too expensive for something that can work for both of us and maybe even more! I'm so excited!!!!
Here is a review of it by an, apparently, neutral bystander reviewer. I usually am quite sceptical about reviews because yeah, they kinda usually are employees of the company touting the product! Hhahahahahah - like you usually see 'It's amazing - It's changed my life' comments......but I'm already prejudiced for the programme....
If you google 'calorie shifting' you will find a lot more to read on it. Thus far, I haven't found anyone saying anything bad about site cited a 97% success rate for people losing weight - not sure if it's just water or it comes back on....etc.....
Another one, by the way, is the Cabbage Soup Diet which is guaranteed works - by close friends!
So I found this one - an idiot proof way of losing weight! The Fat Loss for Idiots programme which expounds a calorie shifting method. Basically, it's that you eat different kinds of food (that you actually LIKE) every day for 11 days and it tricks your body into burning more calories (including fat deposits) and absorbing less fat. There's a little more to it of course, but check it out yourself! I read up a little on it and actually did the currency conversion to buy the programme online! RM128 to lose 9lbs in 11 days! The purchase gives you a food/calorie calculator which then plans for you a menu for 11 days.
I called up JH, on a manja note, to ask/tell him I wanted to buy this thing and being the person that he is, he very delicately told me to NOT DO IT! (He said, why don't you show me the site when we're together in front of an online computer honey???)
So anyway, I have continued to research it and I think it sounds rather good! The theory behind it, as much as I have read, sounds plausible and it isn't too expensive for something that can work for both of us and maybe even more! I'm so excited!!!!
Here is a review of it by an, apparently, neutral bystander reviewer. I usually am quite sceptical about reviews because yeah, they kinda usually are employees of the company touting the product! Hhahahahahah - like you usually see 'It's amazing - It's changed my life' comments......but I'm already prejudiced for the programme....
If you google 'calorie shifting' you will find a lot more to read on it. Thus far, I haven't found anyone saying anything bad about site cited a 97% success rate for people losing weight - not sure if it's just water or it comes back on....etc.....
Another one, by the way, is the Cabbage Soup Diet which is guaranteed works - by close friends!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Cry Baby!
Last Saturday afternoon, I watched an Astro movie called 'The Last Kiss'. I caught it after it had started and I usually don't watch shows half way through but this one seemed interesting enough. How was I to know it would launch me into a bawling fit that could only have been topped by a few others a few years ago. Gosh, it really rail-roaded me into the past. There was this scene where a mum was talking to her daughter about leaving her husband of 30 years. She wasn't happy but the daughter was being all bitchy and blaming the mum for not trying to be better, for pushing his buttons knowingly and then blaming him for it.
First sign of trouble:
Daughter: Men are easy Mom! I figured (partner's name) out in half an hour!
Fast forward a few scenes. This guy - let's call him Nick - is seen calling a random girl and making plans to meet up with her after work. Now, I don't know if I'm a big time pessimist or I've just watched these kinds of movies too many times now but I knew immediately that this Nick person is Daughter's partner! Because when you declare that you know it all - that's when they ambush you isn't it? That's called PLOT! hHahahhaha - Ok, it's actually called Crisis but.....Crises make up the Plot! Anyways, what the hell! I'm right!!!
(Draw parallel to Titanic - "This ship is so strong, even God himself could not sink it!")
So Nick tells Daughter he's meeting with a friend after work - to help him get through a separation.
Second sign of trouble:
Daughter: Oh gawd, everybody is falling apart around us!
Luckily, we're half way through the movie so I immediately get to see Daughter suddenly coming upon an emergency and calling Nick (in this case, someone's dad died). Friend of Nick who was supposed to be Nick's alibi decides, "I won't lie for Nick" so Daughter is suddenly in a frenzy trying to find out where Nick is. Nick, meanwhile, is canoodling with a young college slut - dancing away at a sophomore party, you know the kind - at first Nick seems uneasy, perhaps even guilty but then his MANLY instincts take over and his hands start wondering. Long story short - they end up kissing. Movie director tries to keep the Climax for later so Nick goes home 'chaste' ("We kissed once." qhich then morphs into "We kissed several times"). Daughter is furious, screams at him of course and demands that he leave. He does, only to wind up… the arms of College Girl. In bed. Naked. Climax.
I am telling you - the writer, the actress (who plays Daughter) has definitely gone through heartbreak before because I could see the emotion, that's why I said the movie RAILROADED me back into the past…..I could feel what she was expressing, I could feel the whole kablooee.
Several things she said after that were poignant:
Scene: Daughter gives Nick a chance to explain because, wait for it......she loves this filthy cad! Don't we always?
Daughter: Were you telling me the truth last night? That you didn't sleep with her?
Nick: Ummmm....
Daughter: You lying S**.Of.A.B*tch!!! Get out!
Nick: But I was only trying to be honest with you! Don't you see that????
Ahhh! The good old times!
Daughter: How could you do this to me? How could you hurt me like this?
Another one:
Daughter: I could feel a pain in my heart.
So true! I know it sounds BAD but it IS true!
Now this one I like:
Nick: I would do anything to get her back.
Father of Daughter: Anything?
Nick: Anything!
Father of Daughter: Then it's easy. Just do whatever it takes.
Nick: Whatever it takes?
Father of Daughter: Whatever it takes.
I wouldn't be surprised if this Nick guy repeated his infidelities seeing he likes repetition! :)
And then of course, he camps outside the door of Daughter, day in, day out, (sing with me now) Sun Rise, Sun Set, Sun Rise, Sun Set…..Rain Come, Rain Go….then Daughter got a bit soft hearted - AIYA, I tell you all us girls are just soft hearted suckers!!!! We always do this - we think the guys mean something when they do stuff like this. When are we going to learn, it's all a means to an end and their end is NOT always the same as our end!!! Anyway, when I watched the parts where the Daughter dropped blankets for Nick, dropped a sandwich for Nick, I got a bit furious. If we sat outside a guy's door like that, he would come home from a date and bring the buxom blonde in!!!!! That's what they would do. So I was understandably angry with women-kind for being the mushy beings that we are.
I am not sure what the point of my post this time is but to tell all and sundry that I cried my eyes and heart out on Saturday and I think that has purged me of old ghouls once and for all! So…..Yippee!!!
First sign of trouble:
Daughter: Men are easy Mom! I figured (partner's name) out in half an hour!
Fast forward a few scenes. This guy - let's call him Nick - is seen calling a random girl and making plans to meet up with her after work. Now, I don't know if I'm a big time pessimist or I've just watched these kinds of movies too many times now but I knew immediately that this Nick person is Daughter's partner! Because when you declare that you know it all - that's when they ambush you isn't it? That's called PLOT! hHahahhaha - Ok, it's actually called Crisis but.....Crises make up the Plot! Anyways, what the hell! I'm right!!!
(Draw parallel to Titanic - "This ship is so strong, even God himself could not sink it!")
So Nick tells Daughter he's meeting with a friend after work - to help him get through a separation.
Second sign of trouble:
Daughter: Oh gawd, everybody is falling apart around us!
Luckily, we're half way through the movie so I immediately get to see Daughter suddenly coming upon an emergency and calling Nick (in this case, someone's dad died). Friend of Nick who was supposed to be Nick's alibi decides, "I won't lie for Nick" so Daughter is suddenly in a frenzy trying to find out where Nick is. Nick, meanwhile, is canoodling with a young college slut - dancing away at a sophomore party, you know the kind - at first Nick seems uneasy, perhaps even guilty but then his MANLY instincts take over and his hands start wondering. Long story short - they end up kissing. Movie director tries to keep the Climax for later so Nick goes home 'chaste' ("We kissed once." qhich then morphs into "We kissed several times"). Daughter is furious, screams at him of course and demands that he leave. He does, only to wind up… the arms of College Girl. In bed. Naked. Climax.
I am telling you - the writer, the actress (who plays Daughter) has definitely gone through heartbreak before because I could see the emotion, that's why I said the movie RAILROADED me back into the past…..I could feel what she was expressing, I could feel the whole kablooee.
Several things she said after that were poignant:
Scene: Daughter gives Nick a chance to explain because, wait for it......she loves this filthy cad! Don't we always?
Daughter: Were you telling me the truth last night? That you didn't sleep with her?
Nick: Ummmm....
Daughter: You lying S**.Of.A.B*tch!!! Get out!
Nick: But I was only trying to be honest with you! Don't you see that????
Ahhh! The good old times!
Daughter: How could you do this to me? How could you hurt me like this?
Another one:
Daughter: I could feel a pain in my heart.
So true! I know it sounds BAD but it IS true!
Now this one I like:
Nick: I would do anything to get her back.
Father of Daughter: Anything?
Nick: Anything!
Father of Daughter: Then it's easy. Just do whatever it takes.
Nick: Whatever it takes?
Father of Daughter: Whatever it takes.
I wouldn't be surprised if this Nick guy repeated his infidelities seeing he likes repetition! :)
And then of course, he camps outside the door of Daughter, day in, day out, (sing with me now) Sun Rise, Sun Set, Sun Rise, Sun Set…..Rain Come, Rain Go….then Daughter got a bit soft hearted - AIYA, I tell you all us girls are just soft hearted suckers!!!! We always do this - we think the guys mean something when they do stuff like this. When are we going to learn, it's all a means to an end and their end is NOT always the same as our end!!! Anyway, when I watched the parts where the Daughter dropped blankets for Nick, dropped a sandwich for Nick, I got a bit furious. If we sat outside a guy's door like that, he would come home from a date and bring the buxom blonde in!!!!! That's what they would do. So I was understandably angry with women-kind for being the mushy beings that we are.
I am not sure what the point of my post this time is but to tell all and sundry that I cried my eyes and heart out on Saturday and I think that has purged me of old ghouls once and for all! So…..Yippee!!!
Monday, June 02, 2008
I Wanna Give SOMETHING!!!
I can't believe it! I wish we had the Something Store here in Malaysia. There are loads of things I would send people. This is just right up my alley, my kind of thing. I love these off-beat, weird things....I also think people have come to expect them of me.
Like for example, if mum suddenly received a weird something from an annonymous sender, given 3 guesses, I would be in there! Hehehehehe and it pleases me to no end to do something like that for people I love and like.
Basically, just surprising them and introducing them to something so new and funky and fun!!!! Arrrggghhhh - can I get them hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Like for example, if mum suddenly received a weird something from an annonymous sender, given 3 guesses, I would be in there! Hehehehehe and it pleases me to no end to do something like that for people I love and like.
Basically, just surprising them and introducing them to something so new and funky and fun!!!! Arrrggghhhh - can I get them hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ok, I just received this in an email chain - a surefire way to rid yourselves of gallstones (which apparently we all have naturally) naturally.
1. For the first five days, take four glasses of apple juice every day. Or eat four or five apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During the five days, eat normally.
2. On the sixth day, take no dinner.
3. At 6 PM, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.
4. At 8 PM, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.
5. At 10 PM, take half cup olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage.
The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. "Usually they float," a doctor notes. "You might want to count them. I have had people who passes 40, 50 or up to 100 stones. Very many."
Call me crazy but I somehow, cannot fathom ever summoning up the urge to drink half a cup of olive oil. The gallstones may come up via projectile vomiting!
1. For the first five days, take four glasses of apple juice every day. Or eat four or five apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During the five days, eat normally.
2. On the sixth day, take no dinner.
3. At 6 PM, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.
4. At 8 PM, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.
5. At 10 PM, take half cup olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage.
The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. "Usually they float," a doctor notes. "You might want to count them. I have had people who passes 40, 50 or up to 100 stones. Very many."
Call me crazy but I somehow, cannot fathom ever summoning up the urge to drink half a cup of olive oil. The gallstones may come up via projectile vomiting!
Playing is so MUCH Fun!!!!
Short story - PS2 - Marvel Alliance - I was Hugh Jackson's character - what is it - Werewolf? Wolfman? Fingers of Steel (ala Robin Williams' Panda Balls of Steel!!!)Really cool!
Then I was Human Torch - really cool too until I realised I had run out of power to juice up my Flaming Fist - thought the power was mine infinitely - geezzz.....
Then I was Human Torch - really cool too until I realised I had run out of power to juice up my Flaming Fist - thought the power was mine infinitely - geezzz.....
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
rich, Rich, RICH!!!
(start self-actualising mantra) I'm rich!!! (repeat self-actualising mantra)
.....How? I've submitted my application to have Adsense on my blog if that makes any sense. A few, yeah, count them, a few people have gotten rich from this, so I thought I'd stick my finger in the pie too....So thanks first, to all those who support my life's ambition by clicking and supporting my ads. Oklah, you get a free kiss if you come back and tell me you did it!
Besides that, another bit of exciting news - I discovered this new blog (well, new to me) ummmm...what's it called again, Little Spawn, so cool that I've added it to my Blogroll....I've also removed Brack's Photo A Day because for some time now, it's been missing - thought at first it might be some 'Where's my blog??' error but's still missing - I'll check back and add it to my blogroll again if it resurrects!
Where was I now....oh yes, Little Spawn - what I like about it is how the author writes just about daily life. It's so much fun just seeing what other people do with their lives and how infrequently married bloggers fight with their spouses....Is it just me or does no other couple fight out there? I seem to get upset or quarrelsome at the slightest things....perhaps that's why my partners seem to love me so much huh! Hhahahahhahaha....Well, I'm learning - to be more patient, to accept other people's standards and way of living and to just basically be more humble - because you know I DON'T know everything.....I think I'm more likeable in my old age.....or getting there at least.
Had a crazy weekend trying out Le Meridien in KL Sentral. We had a free voucher thanks to Starwood Cards membership (yeah I know that's not the right name but if you google Starwood Priviledges, I'm sure it'll come up). The vouchers were expiring in May 2008, after a year of validity so we got up off our asses and used them for a weekend of luxury (yeah, some people are just dying to add the word 'tawdry' in there, but.....). So, anyway, we checked into a Deluxe room (which was given), JH of course, immediately wanted to upgrade since the Deluxe is the 'chapalang-ess' room - meaning ummm...let's see....well...most common - but I wasn't going to spend more money on our free weekend of luxury especially with so many other things we could spend money on.....
Deluxe room with a king sized bed and a lilliputan sized bathroom. The bathroom was the nicest thing about the room, well, the service was excellent too but the room itself was not particularly impressive. I know, I know it's a business hotel but well, I expected more.
One thing that I do absolutely love about the hotel, though not a new discovery is its gorgeous pool and the jaw dropping Al-Nafourah restaurant. JH and I had our first date (Phase II) there and we went back for a free 3 course set lunch (courtesy of Starwood again - and compliments of Errolyn's miraculous planning abilities). The pool, with its greenery, landscaping, view, ambience is just great - it looked wonderful in broad daylight but I can just imagine it at sunset with the sky a dusky pink interplayed with rich orange and yellow strokes and some random slivers of white cloud dyed cobalt and navy blue…..little tealights dotting the pool side and warm blocks of candles grouped together for a cosy, romantic setting amongst the tropical plants. On Sunday morning, I backstroked to a majestic view of the two towers - the Hilton Hotel and Le Meridien - the looked like twin stairways up to a beautiful piece of heaven. Ummmm, with the stars out, it would just be a dream come true.
Then Al-Nafourah with its ornate, splendid décor just transporting you to ….somewhere in the Middle East. It's romantic and breath-taking. I've been there twice and I still gaze around with wonder in my eyes, my jaw slightly dropped and frequently exhaling little puffs of pleasure at the beauty around me - the lights, the curtains, the upholstery, the furniture…..well, the food is ok too but really, it is the beauty of the place that gets to me. It really is like a fairytale!
The thing I did not enjoy about the hotel was that being in the so-called 'sentral' of KL (which is not really, if you wanna get down to it), they offer no shuttles anywhere - not even to Megamall MidValley (one of Errolyn's favourite malls) which is like 5 mins drive away! And uh, well, JH was mighty upset they wanted to charge RM12 for a packet of cookies. I'm surprised he even checked out the prices, I would never touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole! He was upset….This from a man who wanted to spend 6 hours sleeping in a RM195 room in a random hotel in IPOH!!! For god's sake, IPOH!!! Don't they like charge, well, let's see, RM60-80 for a hotel room there????
Mmmmmm, then it was quite a hectic Sunday driving around trying to get a couple of my errands done and a huge job trying to buy JH's dream toy!!! And we spent Sunday night playing with JH's dream toy even though his parents are killing themselves getting the new house ready. See mum and dad - now you know why you had 2 darling daughters instead of sons!!! :)
But anyway, I felt really guilty so spent yesterday lunch time and after work buying stuff for the room and bathroom. Was quite quite sleepy and tired after especially (like I reported to JH) sneezing my head off the whole day in the office and trying to keep my squinty hurting eyes open throughout the day)….didn't get to play the dream toy last night…..Sigh - JH is quite disappointed I think…..
So, that was my/our crazy weekend… stuff….now all I wanna do is sleep and eat char koay teow!
.....How? I've submitted my application to have Adsense on my blog if that makes any sense. A few, yeah, count them, a few people have gotten rich from this, so I thought I'd stick my finger in the pie too....So thanks first, to all those who support my life's ambition by clicking and supporting my ads. Oklah, you get a free kiss if you come back and tell me you did it!
Besides that, another bit of exciting news - I discovered this new blog (well, new to me) ummmm...what's it called again, Little Spawn, so cool that I've added it to my Blogroll....I've also removed Brack's Photo A Day because for some time now, it's been missing - thought at first it might be some 'Where's my blog??' error but's still missing - I'll check back and add it to my blogroll again if it resurrects!
Where was I now....oh yes, Little Spawn - what I like about it is how the author writes just about daily life. It's so much fun just seeing what other people do with their lives and how infrequently married bloggers fight with their spouses....Is it just me or does no other couple fight out there? I seem to get upset or quarrelsome at the slightest things....perhaps that's why my partners seem to love me so much huh! Hhahahahhahaha....Well, I'm learning - to be more patient, to accept other people's standards and way of living and to just basically be more humble - because you know I DON'T know everything.....I think I'm more likeable in my old age.....or getting there at least.
Had a crazy weekend trying out Le Meridien in KL Sentral. We had a free voucher thanks to Starwood Cards membership (yeah I know that's not the right name but if you google Starwood Priviledges, I'm sure it'll come up). The vouchers were expiring in May 2008, after a year of validity so we got up off our asses and used them for a weekend of luxury (yeah, some people are just dying to add the word 'tawdry' in there, but.....). So, anyway, we checked into a Deluxe room (which was given), JH of course, immediately wanted to upgrade since the Deluxe is the 'chapalang-ess' room - meaning ummm...let's see....well...most common - but I wasn't going to spend more money on our free weekend of luxury especially with so many other things we could spend money on.....
Deluxe room with a king sized bed and a lilliputan sized bathroom. The bathroom was the nicest thing about the room, well, the service was excellent too but the room itself was not particularly impressive. I know, I know it's a business hotel but well, I expected more.
One thing that I do absolutely love about the hotel, though not a new discovery is its gorgeous pool and the jaw dropping Al-Nafourah restaurant. JH and I had our first date (Phase II) there and we went back for a free 3 course set lunch (courtesy of Starwood again - and compliments of Errolyn's miraculous planning abilities). The pool, with its greenery, landscaping, view, ambience is just great - it looked wonderful in broad daylight but I can just imagine it at sunset with the sky a dusky pink interplayed with rich orange and yellow strokes and some random slivers of white cloud dyed cobalt and navy blue…..little tealights dotting the pool side and warm blocks of candles grouped together for a cosy, romantic setting amongst the tropical plants. On Sunday morning, I backstroked to a majestic view of the two towers - the Hilton Hotel and Le Meridien - the looked like twin stairways up to a beautiful piece of heaven. Ummmm, with the stars out, it would just be a dream come true.
Then Al-Nafourah with its ornate, splendid décor just transporting you to ….somewhere in the Middle East. It's romantic and breath-taking. I've been there twice and I still gaze around with wonder in my eyes, my jaw slightly dropped and frequently exhaling little puffs of pleasure at the beauty around me - the lights, the curtains, the upholstery, the furniture…..well, the food is ok too but really, it is the beauty of the place that gets to me. It really is like a fairytale!
The thing I did not enjoy about the hotel was that being in the so-called 'sentral' of KL (which is not really, if you wanna get down to it), they offer no shuttles anywhere - not even to Megamall MidValley (one of Errolyn's favourite malls) which is like 5 mins drive away! And uh, well, JH was mighty upset they wanted to charge RM12 for a packet of cookies. I'm surprised he even checked out the prices, I would never touch that stuff with a 10 foot pole! He was upset….This from a man who wanted to spend 6 hours sleeping in a RM195 room in a random hotel in IPOH!!! For god's sake, IPOH!!! Don't they like charge, well, let's see, RM60-80 for a hotel room there????
Mmmmmm, then it was quite a hectic Sunday driving around trying to get a couple of my errands done and a huge job trying to buy JH's dream toy!!! And we spent Sunday night playing with JH's dream toy even though his parents are killing themselves getting the new house ready. See mum and dad - now you know why you had 2 darling daughters instead of sons!!! :)
But anyway, I felt really guilty so spent yesterday lunch time and after work buying stuff for the room and bathroom. Was quite quite sleepy and tired after especially (like I reported to JH) sneezing my head off the whole day in the office and trying to keep my squinty hurting eyes open throughout the day)….didn't get to play the dream toy last night…..Sigh - JH is quite disappointed I think…..
So, that was my/our crazy weekend… stuff….now all I wanna do is sleep and eat char koay teow!
Monday, May 05, 2008
How to Compress 2 Posts into 1
Oklah, just an update about my exercise regime - on Thursday morning I went swimming cos JH went into work and then on Sat we went for a morning walk at the TTDI park. I woke up and jumped out of bed all energetic and happy….not happy to go JOGGING but just happy at a new day….but then I was so grumpy during the whole walk…I decided I prefer going to the gym where I can just work out in air conditioning and a 'cleaner' environment. I got really agitated when I saw stains on the walkway of the park. Icky dried brown stains - ACK and DOUBLE ACK!!! I know they could just be mulched leaves (which are also icky) but oh my god, they could very well be SHIT stains! Aiya, now that really grossed me out and immediately turned my mood bad. I actually physically turned around and confessed to JH that I had decided I preferred to work out in a gym….Furthermore, in a gym, the only slimy buggers are the ones who try to talk to me (all 1 of them!!!!) but in the big bad dirty outside world, they spring down on me on silken threads of gossamer…..such beauty and bleah!
One of the blogs that I visit - Brack's Photo A Day - has a series of photographs taken of caterpillars…..(yikes, even typing that word out gives me the creeps!)…..they're beautiful but nonetheless….
And for today's post - I'm so tired! I am abit achy all over, I am not sure why, perhaps it's cos I didn't really get enough sleep, and we went walking in the morning and walking at HomeDec for 2 days in a row!!! I made an excellent purchase - a 32" LCD tv to go with my beautiful new Lorenzo tv console….there goes the bonus!
But gosh, am I tired! But if I'm this tired, I wonder what JH must feel like - long hours, difficult clients, too much documentation, shopping with gf (this must be the worst!!!) Hhahahahaha
One of the blogs that I visit - Brack's Photo A Day - has a series of photographs taken of caterpillars…..(yikes, even typing that word out gives me the creeps!)…..they're beautiful but nonetheless….
And for today's post - I'm so tired! I am abit achy all over, I am not sure why, perhaps it's cos I didn't really get enough sleep, and we went walking in the morning and walking at HomeDec for 2 days in a row!!! I made an excellent purchase - a 32" LCD tv to go with my beautiful new Lorenzo tv console….there goes the bonus!
But gosh, am I tired! But if I'm this tired, I wonder what JH must feel like - long hours, difficult clients, too much documentation, shopping with gf (this must be the worst!!!) Hhahahahaha
Friday, May 02, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I Wish I Could Just Be Fat!
Ok, I'm back on the exercise wagon….sometimes I think I look good in clothes but sometimes I don't…not saying that I look better out of clothes but….hahahahah..
Ok, whatever, back to basics - 3 activities per week - running/jogging, swimming and preferably one tennis or swimming. Though I do enjoy swimming so that can be my bonus….ahahhaha, like oooh, I've done my hated jogging so now I can reward myself by swimming.
In checking up information for a friend, I have discovered that I am just on this side of normal weight as per the BMI. Of course I have tremendous thigh muscles and I would love to imagine that my big upper arms are actually toned muscle but who's kidding whom huh? It's all fat, Fat, FAT!!! Cellulite to boot - why don't men get this one???
So, 30 minutes per session/ 3 sessions per week plus healthy eating - more fruits, less portions but sometimes still rewarding myself. I used to love the feeling of my muscles - yeah I had those when I was dancing too but I hardly noticed them but during the Gym Era, I used to love feeling the tight muscles under the abdomen, in the gluteus maximus and my biceps/triceps including the added strength in my back. Now they've all turned to jelly. My skirts and pants don't fill out so nicely anymore but whatever it is, even if not for aesthetic reasons, I need to start stopping the sedentary lifestyle - less movies and lazing about in bed and more getting up and out there and not worrying about 'Aiyo, I just washed my hair so I shouldn't swim today'…..jesus jones that's why I bought my waterproof cap!
Getting older is a reason for getting fitter and it's always nice to look good anyway!
Ok, this I promise!
Ok, whatever, back to basics - 3 activities per week - running/jogging, swimming and preferably one tennis or swimming. Though I do enjoy swimming so that can be my bonus….ahahhaha, like oooh, I've done my hated jogging so now I can reward myself by swimming.
In checking up information for a friend, I have discovered that I am just on this side of normal weight as per the BMI. Of course I have tremendous thigh muscles and I would love to imagine that my big upper arms are actually toned muscle but who's kidding whom huh? It's all fat, Fat, FAT!!! Cellulite to boot - why don't men get this one???
So, 30 minutes per session/ 3 sessions per week plus healthy eating - more fruits, less portions but sometimes still rewarding myself. I used to love the feeling of my muscles - yeah I had those when I was dancing too but I hardly noticed them but during the Gym Era, I used to love feeling the tight muscles under the abdomen, in the gluteus maximus and my biceps/triceps including the added strength in my back. Now they've all turned to jelly. My skirts and pants don't fill out so nicely anymore but whatever it is, even if not for aesthetic reasons, I need to start stopping the sedentary lifestyle - less movies and lazing about in bed and more getting up and out there and not worrying about 'Aiyo, I just washed my hair so I shouldn't swim today'…..jesus jones that's why I bought my waterproof cap!
Getting older is a reason for getting fitter and it's always nice to look good anyway!
Ok, this I promise!
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