Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Ok, I know it's been some time. I apologise...I have had lots of things to accomplish and, why am I apologising and explaining? This is MY website and I shall write when I want to. Heehehehheeee....

Practising real hard for our upcoming dance competition on July 7th! Well, not really practising per say but thinking about execution of steps and listening to different music. It's been really cool. And one of the best things is that I shall get to shop for new dance shoes! What else makes a girl's day huh?

For the guy readers out there, here's something for you to chew on....Episode 2. Need I say more? Anybody dressing up? I have a date at the Gold Class/Normal Class/Front-Row Seat...whichever's available I think. Just hope I don't fall asleep again like the last time! I shall write a review of the movie. So check back soon...."You can't escape your destiny".

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