How could he have dumped her via text???? I don't know how he could have been so uselessly ball-less! I am not Limewire-ing his songs anymore!!!
She is such an angel and he just alsjkfn ajdn oorjf FWHAh eubnla qfjmdidnw!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My Monkey Talks!!!!!!
I couldn't believe it! I tried to move him and so clicked on him and instead of moving - he burped a speech bubble!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
iPod Nanos are Fun(nily Heart Attack Inducing!)
Did I tell you I got an Ipod Nano for my birthday? Well, I've gotten around to working it and am so chuffed with it. Earlier JH had already given me the use of his Sony Mobile Player (or whatever it's called) but then he got me the Nano and at first, (you know melah), I was like, "Aiyo, why you waste money like that??? I can use the Sony mah!"
I tried to use the Nano anyhow - tried to put some songs in ….of course I also went away for my birthday so I didn't get around to fiddling with it til later…..JH and I set up an iTunes account only to find out that the Malaysian site doesn't actually sell anything cos it's cheaper to buy the ahem ahem ones anyway! Sigh! So again, I began my quest to find music on the Internet that wouldn't break my bank…..And it was bad news all the wayyyyyyyyyyyy…..Having no computer of my own and being by no means a techie, I was deathly afraid of breaking JH's machine but then also very very frustrated at not being able to get what I want…..So I kinda gave up on it for a while. The only good thing was that I successfully downloaded a movie trailer! Ballet Shoes (of which I have the BOOK!) and I also started to download my old podcast - The PPS (Project Petaling Street) Review Podcast!!!!
Now it's almost the end of August but with very fortuitous events like JH buying another laptop and giving me exclusive - download-all-the-viruses-you-want access to his old computer, JH finding the Ipod Nano manual on the Internet and asking me to read it and me just being intelligent problem solver, worry-at-the-problem-til-it's-solved me, I now have 99 songs on my Nano…..hmmm, I should name it. Maybe Mano the Nano (it's a he since he's got a black rubber casing - hehehehahahHAHHEHAHHA!!!) I think I should go exchange my casing since I don't think it is in perfect mint condition…..Apple should be good enough at after sales……but will still get a black one again lah since you know what they say…..ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU CAN'T GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, among other bad things that happened with the Nano was that I couldn't just switch the songs from the Sony, geez louise! And I couldn't find songs to download…..Finally I did manage to wreak 'magic' and converted all my Sony songs to wma to put on the Nano and realised (quite late actually) that they were taking up far too much space! Hey! IPods are not supposed to be this useless! So back to the drawing board…….And then in the end, I just restored default settings to it and Mano was born.
I started to Limewire the music I wanted (last night!!!). Got some Daughtry, some Duffy - man she's good! Abit jealous that the moment she started playing, JH turned around, distracted from his new gaming laptop and asked with a voice full of wonderment and awe - "Mmmm, who's that?" ACK! Ummm, let's see who else I got, of course some good old COUNTRY!!!! Alabama, Kenney Chesney, Alan Jackson, even got a song of John Turner - oklah him……I tell you Country is the way to go man! 'Seven Spanish Angels' from Willie Nelson and Ray Charles and some others was a special search from me to Mano.
Got some Celine too of course but can't seem to get a good copy of my cry-inspiring song 'The Colour of My Love'.
So I picked all my downloads out and then I let it run….I tell you both of us were just stuck at the computers and I joked that we will probably grow so glued to them that we will sooner or later, start Messaging each other instead of turning around to talk!
I couldn't sleep of course, the way I normally can't when something exciting is happening….and woke up at 5.15am to check my downloads. Yeay! Converted all the mp3s to AAC format and fed them into Mano. I tell you the way I do it - it would look chaotic to anybody else cos I try to be efficient and fast and it would just confuse the heck out of a lesser (mad/anal) being! Hehehehahahaha…..
So, half an hour later, crawled back into the warm comfy bed and snuggled deep….Aaahhh Contentment! Now my 10 hour train ride to and from Singapore is going to be a little bit comfier!
This is what Mano looks like now. When he grows up, I'd like him to look like this! but with velcro would be better then I wouldn't be pressing a button onto his face all the time!
In his active times, I'm gonna make Mano a suit like this but with a sweat band.
Since Mummy and Daddy have not gotten First Princess a birthday pressie, I guess we know where the above are coming frommmm!!!!!
Hey! Does this mean JH fathered Mano??????
I tried to use the Nano anyhow - tried to put some songs in ….of course I also went away for my birthday so I didn't get around to fiddling with it til later…..JH and I set up an iTunes account only to find out that the Malaysian site doesn't actually sell anything cos it's cheaper to buy the ahem ahem ones anyway! Sigh! So again, I began my quest to find music on the Internet that wouldn't break my bank…..And it was bad news all the wayyyyyyyyyyyy…..Having no computer of my own and being by no means a techie, I was deathly afraid of breaking JH's machine but then also very very frustrated at not being able to get what I want…..So I kinda gave up on it for a while. The only good thing was that I successfully downloaded a movie trailer! Ballet Shoes (of which I have the BOOK!) and I also started to download my old podcast - The PPS (Project Petaling Street) Review Podcast!!!!
Now it's almost the end of August but with very fortuitous events like JH buying another laptop and giving me exclusive - download-all-the-viruses-you-want access to his old computer, JH finding the Ipod Nano manual on the Internet and asking me to read it and me just being intelligent problem solver, worry-at-the-problem-til-it's-solved me, I now have 99 songs on my Nano…..hmmm, I should name it. Maybe Mano the Nano (it's a he since he's got a black rubber casing - hehehehahahHAHHEHAHHA!!!) I think I should go exchange my casing since I don't think it is in perfect mint condition…..Apple should be good enough at after sales……but will still get a black one again lah since you know what they say…..ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU CAN'T GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, among other bad things that happened with the Nano was that I couldn't just switch the songs from the Sony, geez louise! And I couldn't find songs to download…..Finally I did manage to wreak 'magic' and converted all my Sony songs to wma to put on the Nano and realised (quite late actually) that they were taking up far too much space! Hey! IPods are not supposed to be this useless! So back to the drawing board…….And then in the end, I just restored default settings to it and Mano was born.
I started to Limewire the music I wanted (last night!!!). Got some Daughtry, some Duffy - man she's good! Abit jealous that the moment she started playing, JH turned around, distracted from his new gaming laptop and asked with a voice full of wonderment and awe - "Mmmm, who's that?" ACK! Ummm, let's see who else I got, of course some good old COUNTRY!!!! Alabama, Kenney Chesney, Alan Jackson, even got a song of John Turner - oklah him……I tell you Country is the way to go man! 'Seven Spanish Angels' from Willie Nelson and Ray Charles and some others was a special search from me to Mano.
Got some Celine too of course but can't seem to get a good copy of my cry-inspiring song 'The Colour of My Love'.
So I picked all my downloads out and then I let it run….I tell you both of us were just stuck at the computers and I joked that we will probably grow so glued to them that we will sooner or later, start Messaging each other instead of turning around to talk!
I couldn't sleep of course, the way I normally can't when something exciting is happening….and woke up at 5.15am to check my downloads. Yeay! Converted all the mp3s to AAC format and fed them into Mano. I tell you the way I do it - it would look chaotic to anybody else cos I try to be efficient and fast and it would just confuse the heck out of a lesser (mad/anal) being! Hehehehahahaha…..
So, half an hour later, crawled back into the warm comfy bed and snuggled deep….Aaahhh Contentment! Now my 10 hour train ride to and from Singapore is going to be a little bit comfier!
This is what Mano looks like now. When he grows up, I'd like him to look like this! but with velcro would be better then I wouldn't be pressing a button onto his face all the time!
In his active times, I'm gonna make Mano a suit like this but with a sweat band.
Since Mummy and Daddy have not gotten First Princess a birthday pressie, I guess we know where the above are coming frommmm!!!!!
Hey! Does this mean JH fathered Mano??????
Monday, August 11, 2008
Carmen Soo PSA
This evening I heard a Public Service Announcement on the radio by Carmen Soo. Yes, the pretty face. She reminds me of a beautiful actress from before the era of the many 'pre-speaking part' movies got along famously until the doom of their glory - the invention of the talking movie.....
And this was like Carmen Soo. She left me very sure she was reading from a script, a non too motivational script at that but when coupled with her monotonous reading, it was just.too.much.
She was trying to advocate being more cost conscious - environmentally friendly I believe. My brain was a bit numbed. She talked about saving water....While I applaud the message, I am certain there are many annonymous people out there who could have done an extraordinarily better job than she did. Blame the little people who only listen to 'celebrities'!
I cannot believe she acts on stage....on STAGE! Where more drama/overkill is needed than on film or celluloid or sound waves!!! Give me my money back I say!
And this was like Carmen Soo. She left me very sure she was reading from a script, a non too motivational script at that but when coupled with her monotonous reading, it was just.too.much.
She was trying to advocate being more cost conscious - environmentally friendly I believe. My brain was a bit numbed. She talked about saving water....While I applaud the message, I am certain there are many annonymous people out there who could have done an extraordinarily better job than she did. Blame the little people who only listen to 'celebrities'!
I cannot believe she acts on stage....on STAGE! Where more drama/overkill is needed than on film or celluloid or sound waves!!! Give me my money back I say!
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Save A Breast
Please visit The Breast Cancer site and click to get sponsors to donate a free mammogram to a woman in need. You don't have to pay a sen. Do it now - it's important.
Just click, it only takes 2 seconds.
Just click, it only takes 2 seconds.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Excuse Me Are You A Model?
A month ago in The Star,I read that the Estee Lauder Model Search is on again! I can't believe it's already been 1 year since I partook in that little ummm…not fiasco, not waste, not life changing (yeah, since I didn't win nuffink!)….but it was a nice little change to the scene at the time.
I've been in performances before so getting all dolled up by a professional make up artist was not something new to me. But I was happy that my internal 'evaluation' seem to jive with the 'sizing up' of the lead make up coordinator. She took one look at me and proclaimed me a drama queen fit only for the 'Drama' look - hence my eyes were all supposed to be dark and smoky. A look I love and am always trying to emulate on my own without ending up looking like a raccoon. So far, no luck - am even contemplating going to some make up bar and buying a really expensive (read: waste for Errolyn) palette of eye colour just so they can teach me how to do it right. Whether I will actually take the time to do it or not is another matter of course!
But I digress… I ended with a smoky look (not gothic but purpley) with false eyelashes - aiyee, I love those!!! And Warehouse promptly proceeded to dress me in a white halter neck ala Marilyn Monroe….I didn't have the gumption or maybe the panache to strike the pose though…..sigh, no guts, no glory huh!
But I've got pictures! I bought more than they were giving which was 1 miserable A4 shot…wasn't sure about doing that but I thought, since I'm here and all dolled up, might as well take the once in a lifetime opportunity - yeah, I don't plan on doing it again…..So then, I went home and took a few more of myself….just a teensy few…..ahhahahahahhahaha! I LOOK BETTER in my own pictures than in theirs, airbrushed and all!

All in all, the experience of it was fun though I can't see how the 'novelty' of it can motivate me to do it over and over again. The artistes (make up and hair and wardrobe) were good, the photographers were not very helpful - so a tip - prepare your poses if you know you're going for the shoot! The wait was veryvery long and sometimes you wonder why people bother at all but then every girl likes to feel beautiful eh….
The winner of last year's competition was quite deserving - Wan Noraishah Binti Samsudin - I think - though I think from a non-business sense at all, they should have stated very clearly that the judges were not looking for out of the ordinary faces or personalities. They chose (surprise! surprise!) a tall, slim, fair girl with long straight black hair who effected the normal grim, 'I just hate dressing up, looking pretty and having to strut in front of these base people' look. Why do models do that actually? Why? WHY? Why can't they smile? Does it make them look bad? Do they have ugly teeth?
Reminds me of a little public service announcement years ago on Malaysian tv….a little ditty that goes….
'Smile! Smile!
It isn't hard to do….
Smile for a while
Let one smile make two
Smile! Smile!
And the world ….
Smiles with you!'
(Yes, yes, I know! My mind jumps in every direction!)
So I just checked it out and apparently, they've finished and already even selected the Winner of Cycle 2!
I've been in performances before so getting all dolled up by a professional make up artist was not something new to me. But I was happy that my internal 'evaluation' seem to jive with the 'sizing up' of the lead make up coordinator. She took one look at me and proclaimed me a drama queen fit only for the 'Drama' look - hence my eyes were all supposed to be dark and smoky. A look I love and am always trying to emulate on my own without ending up looking like a raccoon. So far, no luck - am even contemplating going to some make up bar and buying a really expensive (read: waste for Errolyn) palette of eye colour just so they can teach me how to do it right. Whether I will actually take the time to do it or not is another matter of course!
But I digress… I ended with a smoky look (not gothic but purpley) with false eyelashes - aiyee, I love those!!! And Warehouse promptly proceeded to dress me in a white halter neck ala Marilyn Monroe….I didn't have the gumption or maybe the panache to strike the pose though…..sigh, no guts, no glory huh!
But I've got pictures! I bought more than they were giving which was 1 miserable A4 shot…wasn't sure about doing that but I thought, since I'm here and all dolled up, might as well take the once in a lifetime opportunity - yeah, I don't plan on doing it again…..So then, I went home and took a few more of myself….just a teensy few…..ahhahahahahhahaha! I LOOK BETTER in my own pictures than in theirs, airbrushed and all!
All in all, the experience of it was fun though I can't see how the 'novelty' of it can motivate me to do it over and over again. The artistes (make up and hair and wardrobe) were good, the photographers were not very helpful - so a tip - prepare your poses if you know you're going for the shoot! The wait was veryvery long and sometimes you wonder why people bother at all but then every girl likes to feel beautiful eh….
The winner of last year's competition was quite deserving - Wan Noraishah Binti Samsudin - I think - though I think from a non-business sense at all, they should have stated very clearly that the judges were not looking for out of the ordinary faces or personalities. They chose (surprise! surprise!) a tall, slim, fair girl with long straight black hair who effected the normal grim, 'I just hate dressing up, looking pretty and having to strut in front of these base people' look. Why do models do that actually? Why? WHY? Why can't they smile? Does it make them look bad? Do they have ugly teeth?
Reminds me of a little public service announcement years ago on Malaysian tv….a little ditty that goes….
'Smile! Smile!
It isn't hard to do….
Smile for a while
Let one smile make two
Smile! Smile!
And the world ….
Smiles with you!'
(Yes, yes, I know! My mind jumps in every direction!)
So I just checked it out and apparently, they've finished and already even selected the Winner of Cycle 2!
So how'd you like my post below??? Well, it wasn't written by me and no it wasn't written by a ghost writer as well (though I'll bet I shouldn't say things like that in the Month of the Hungry Ghost!!!).
It was written by my helping hand - the Lazy Bloggers' Post Generator! It's so cool - everyone should try it! It saves time, gives us a laugh and manages to still fill your blog. It's basically a couple of paragraphs with a few static generic parts complimented by drop down lists of choices which explain why you are not writing. It's so cute that I tried it several times, each time just randomly 'selecting' (read as: roaming my mouse blind over the choices and just clicking) hence coming up with very very weird stories.
The one below was also randomly 'written' but you can tell how it's quite ahem ahem pertinent to me! Hahahahahaha
I only have 1 word of advice - do not expect perfect English. I guess it's a bit hard to fit in grammatical perfection when sentences can be so different…..Let's just say, I bet the originators tried to do it but ...well, there are just enough choices in the drop down menus to make one give up trying to make it flawless after some time.
It was written by my helping hand - the Lazy Bloggers' Post Generator! It's so cool - everyone should try it! It saves time, gives us a laugh and manages to still fill your blog. It's basically a couple of paragraphs with a few static generic parts complimented by drop down lists of choices which explain why you are not writing. It's so cute that I tried it several times, each time just randomly 'selecting' (read as: roaming my mouse blind over the choices and just clicking) hence coming up with very very weird stories.
The one below was also randomly 'written' but you can tell how it's quite ahem ahem pertinent to me! Hahahahahaha
I only have 1 word of advice - do not expect perfect English. I guess it's a bit hard to fit in grammatical perfection when sentences can be so different…..Let's just say, I bet the originators tried to do it but ...well, there are just enough choices in the drop down menus to make one give up trying to make it flawless after some time.
Lazy Blogger's Post
Oh My Gosh! I just got slapped with a wet salmon - really - I have not updated this since I fell in love... You would not believe the amount of people who are totally stalking me. Apologies to my regular readers! Even the little blue ones!
I am not going to post now with waiting for a fine young gentleman to propose, waiting for the onshore winds, just generally being a delightful mistress to every Lost Boy that crosses my path, my day is full to bursting from sun-up to I feel like going to bed. I am totally loving it, dudes. As well you should know.
I promise I will update you with my nefarious activities as soon as I get a chance. You have my word! I really, truly promise!
I am not going to post now with waiting for a fine young gentleman to propose, waiting for the onshore winds, just generally being a delightful mistress to every Lost Boy that crosses my path, my day is full to bursting from sun-up to I feel like going to bed. I am totally loving it, dudes. As well you should know.
I promise I will update you with my nefarious activities as soon as I get a chance. You have my word! I really, truly promise!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Ideal Birthday Gifts....
For 46 days this month onwards I shall be the same age as JH! Heheheheahhahaha - ummm...not sure what that hahah means but well.....
I am not going to put up lists of ideal gifts cos the last time I did that, SOMEONE cheated!
Am so happy! My friends have also made a date with me to get together, my sis has gotten me something luxurious yet practical (she knows me so well!!!).... but my mum has very nonchalantly told me, "I don't know what to get you this year!"...Must be cos I already have everything, life, love, ummm...well, mum, you could give me a BIG FAT ANGPOW!!! Hehehehehahahha (again!)
You know what I'd love though - to work with intelligent, hard working people who give a fig - that's what I'd love....AHA! Let's see if SOMEONE can cheat this time around!
And guess what! I am on leave this year!!! Usually I am never on leave on my birthday. I've never really celebrated it in a big way on the day itself and the last 2 years have been alone so this year, I'm going all out! Going on leave! JH has promised me a delicious meal of my favourite chicken rice and the gift of a novel! Yippeeeeee!!! HAhhahahah!
Btw, I better start planning my holiday to HK. It's so hard to get good flights nowadays! I just wish oil prices started falling drastically and I can get decent priced flights......hold up wait a minute, will falling oil prices do anything averse to our economy? Can't think - got a terrible pain in the left side of my head - think it's caffeine withdrawals.....that's whylah, not enough caffeine - hehehehhee - trying to save money and be more healthy - drink water!!!!!!!!
I am not going to put up lists of ideal gifts cos the last time I did that, SOMEONE cheated!
Am so happy! My friends have also made a date with me to get together, my sis has gotten me something luxurious yet practical (she knows me so well!!!).... but my mum has very nonchalantly told me, "I don't know what to get you this year!"...Must be cos I already have everything, life, love, ummm...well, mum, you could give me a BIG FAT ANGPOW!!! Hehehehehahahha (again!)
You know what I'd love though - to work with intelligent, hard working people who give a fig - that's what I'd love....AHA! Let's see if SOMEONE can cheat this time around!
And guess what! I am on leave this year!!! Usually I am never on leave on my birthday. I've never really celebrated it in a big way on the day itself and the last 2 years have been alone so this year, I'm going all out! Going on leave! JH has promised me a delicious meal of my favourite chicken rice and the gift of a novel! Yippeeeeee!!! HAhhahahah!
Btw, I better start planning my holiday to HK. It's so hard to get good flights nowadays! I just wish oil prices started falling drastically and I can get decent priced flights......hold up wait a minute, will falling oil prices do anything averse to our economy? Can't think - got a terrible pain in the left side of my head - think it's caffeine withdrawals.....that's whylah, not enough caffeine - hehehehhee - trying to save money and be more healthy - drink water!!!!!!!!
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