So anyway, we all had lunch together and then proceeded to spend the next 3 hours circling around the tiny area of Sunway Damansara looking for appropriate downlights that measure up to JH's exact preferences! Hahahahah. And then of course also looking at other lights - something I love to do - I do not like downlights so much in the sense that they completely limit my creativity in buying novel lights/lamps in the ambitious hope that they fit together in an eclectic yet befitting manner.
Sigh, the lights in Sunway Damansara are really expensive compared to when I did my shopping in Puchong and Kepong. Thank god I had moral support back then from people of a similar mind (read: budget) and got shopping ideas from them. But then JH treasures convenience over savings so…..
Finally we got everything down about half past five and rushed back to his house to leave the light there before rushing all the way down to Stadium Merdeka. I tell you that part of town is scary!!! I don't even feel like I'm in Malaysia anymore. Told JH to be careful driving cos most likely if we knocked someone down, they would allll come barging at us!
We got there about 6 something after parking at the wrong place. A helpful pet shop owner told us there were 2 Stadium Merdekas (???) did he mean 1 Stadium Merdeka and 1 Stadium Negara? Anyhoo, apparently we parked close to the wrong Stadium - the one we wanted (with the singing), was a disastrously long walk away so JH pulled out of our RM5 parking (it's so cool when he doesn't make you walk around a dangerous part of town in wedges just to save RM5!!) and drove some ways away into RM6 parking! Hahahahaha.. (I knew the silly first car park attendant was lying to us when he said he didn't know where Stadium Merdeka was after we grilled him a little bit - he just wanted his RM5 since we were close to ONE stadium, didn't matter which one……)
So then we parked and I parked JH at the end of the snakey line which wound around 'Fatman Steamboats' and 'Ramli Burger' stalls (I wonder if the Singaporeans who came ta-paued any back??) and numerous satay and drink stalls - I betcha there was 300 people in the line! Then of course, when you least need it, the call of nature rung its knell!!!! I walked down the hill to the Ibu Pejabat Polis Dang Wangi (looked like some low cost flats to me - police store rooms I think) and round the block to a dark dank dangerous toilet which had no lock on the inside. I had to go I had to go, I had to go!!! And so I gritted me teeth and kept a firm hand on the door to prevent lecherous ahem ahems. Oh my god, it was bad let me tell you!
We got in a little after seven which was quite ok - wasn't such a long wait after all but we sure as heck didn't get to sit anywhere close. I decided not to go in too deep, wanted to be able to make a quick getaway to avoid all the jams. We had a pretty good rock to sit on anyway so it was quite good - we then stuffed ourselves a little bit and drank a little bit since I am NOT going to use any public toilet there! Celine started around 8.50pm after the Agong arrived and started it off with a BIG BIG Bang - I Drove All Night! Some people booed the royalty and our Dep PM was there too, I saw Siti Nurhaliza on the big screen once getting all animated to 'We Will Rock You!'. Ummm, the boo-ing, I do not agree with it at all, whether it was because of their lateness (which wasn't even accurate cos Galaxy already said royalty was arriving at 8.30pm - 8.45pm…or if it was because of the recent elections, or whatever the hecklah, I never believe in washing our dirty linen in public - so malufying showing Celine Dion our numbless, mindless, juvenile behaviour!
Celine's Taking Chances Concert, first time ever in Malaysia was a really short one - I don't know how it compares to her other stops around the world but I left feeling a little empty inside. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the show - I was close to tears at some points thinking 'Gosh, I am here, listening to Celine Dion!!!!' and of course 'If I had a voice like that….!'. I even asked JH if he thought she was ever in awe of herself! :)
She only changed costumes once and I wonder if it is a trademark of hers or she was really left without a choice due to our inexplicable need to force celebrities to not show skin on our hallowed earth! But nonetheless, her hair was gorgeous and so was she! She has certainly changed her image many times around getting more and more sexy and young each time. They say she was at the Ritz Carlton with her husband (of course), her beloved son and her mom….
I can't imagine a life like that - it's fantastic! A dream come true! Jetting off from point to point, getting up on a stage each night, singing your heart out and hearing the rapturous applause (yeah, well you knowlah, in Malaysia, people don't really know how to clap). What I find harder to understand is the carting of the family around although I guess it would be hard travelling 3-6-12 months a year without your loved ones! I know it's hard work, I can never hope to really understand or relate to her performing experience but I have performed before and even on such a small scale, the adrenaline pumps each time….I just imagine multiplying that by 100 times to get to Celine's level and it's so exciting and breath-taking to me!
I had put off buying her Taking Chances CD and her 'Live In Las Vegas' DVD in the hopes that they will be sold at the concert, perhaps even with a signature from the Goddess herself but nope, Galaxy obviously earned enough from the RM2500 VVVIP tickets……The concert I felt was very badly organised by Galaxy or Artiste World (or whatever) maybe because it was their first majorrr international event but still, the tickets were announced for sale on Valentine's Day, then that stalled and Galaxy employees just couldn't speak enough English to help anybody get more information!!!! THEN they raised the prices of the tickets!! - Aiyo, such a gauche act! Pai Seh but I am glad for the concert! The audio and video were great and I even got me a handphone recording of My Heart Will Go On…..somewhere from the second chorus.
My sister should thank me (or should I say JH) for running out to get another t-shirt for her and for calling her up so she could hear 'River Deep, Mountain High'! She didn't sing me favourite song though - The Colour of My Love……
I'll paint my mood in shades of blue
Paint my soul to be with you
I'll sketch your lips in shaded tones
Draw your mouth to my own
I'll draw your arms around my waist
Then all doubt I shall erase
I'll paint the rain that softly lands on your wind-blown hair
I'll trace a hand to wipe out your tears
A look to calm your fears
A silhouette of dark and light
While we hold each other oh so tight
I'll paint a sun to warm your heart
Swearing that we'll never part
That's the colour of my love
I'll paint the truth
Show how I feel
Try to make you completely real
I'll use a brush so light and fine
To draw you close and make you mine
I'll paint the truth
Show how I feel
Try to make you completely real
I'll use a brush so light and fine
To draw you close and make you mine
I'll paint a sun to warm your heart
Swearing that we'll never part
That's the colour of my love
I'll draw the years all passing by
So much to learn so much to try
And with this ring our lives will start
Swearing that we'll never part
I offer what you cannot buy
Devoted love until we die
(lyrics courtesy of Errolyn knowing the song by heart)
Ummm....wanted put some pics of my goddess up but afraid of copyright issues - so YOU can do the next best thing - Google her! :)
1 comment:
Oooooo...nice....I wonder if she is having any concerts here..hmm...
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