Tuesday, December 03, 2002

So, have you guys heard of the above before? I was just talking about this with a friend earlier in the week and here we have the most recent winners!

Well, it's that time of the year again! December.....when Hari Raya is going to be celebrated as well as Christmas and people rush to get home to be with loved ones and families....There is no other time in the year that inspires people (or the other extreme!) like this time of the year.

Each year, December never fails to put people in the mood for good spirits, love, reflection and a lightness of heart. Even when you encounter a bad driver on the road, he's liable to get away with it because you're too busy thinking about tonight's dinner with your family.

KL's going to be empty since it's the Immigration State of Malaysia. I will be going home too but can't afford to go home too many times....only at the end of the year in order to celebrate the birthing of 2003 with my family and friends.

Selamat Hari Raya and Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year!!!! to friends and acquantainces and everyone out there who is celebrating .....or not.

TO my mum, dad, sister: Janice, friends: Lisa and hubby Ban Hu, Melinda, Szu Ping, Thing May, Kong Wai, Nigel, Elene, Tubbydolphin, Adam, Michael, Danny......Happy Holidays and Happy Chinese New Year!

(I know getting ahead of myself)

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