Tuesday, January 05, 2010

TEEK Brasserie Lot 10

Today I attended a Press Launch at Teek Brasserie on the Rooftop of Lot 10. It was quite nice. I especially loved the rounded sofas and their table stands which looked like layers of meat stacked one on top of the other but a bit wonky to align with the quirkiness of the place. It's not really quirky though, but the sofas lended it that persona while the rest of it looked pretty conventional.

The food there is good and I Likee.....especially the Pan Seared Scallops which are apparently 2 for RM24.....but yum! The restaurant serves a mixture of Western and Eastern dishes and a 'Sar Hor Fun' goes for like RM32 so that gives you an idea of the price of the place. Probably good for a once in a while but not too often cos I don't see it having THAT much appeal to keep people going back for more. There is a bit of a drinky, hang out feel to the place that will probably put off the real food connoiseurs. Teek and the nearby club Rootz belong to the YTL Group so I got the message that the quality is there if you're willing to pay for it - not really prices of an arm and a leg but definitely pricier.

The h'or deouvres served that I liked tonight included the curry chicken pau which had very nice curry chicken (with santan) which I seldom go for, and the minced chicken salad was ok, there was also this very special spring roll dipped in passionfruit puree which was cool!!!!! The spring roll was filled with pieces of mango I think but it was different and very refreshing. And I really enjoyed the way the food was presented.

Someone asked for coffee, which I didn't have so can't say if they serve good coffee. But for you peeps who enjoy your cappucino - Starbucks in SS2 and Secret Recipe in Giant Kota Damansara serve them well.....in fact, the last time I went - the coffee was the only thing I really enjoyed in Secret Recipe! :(

Btw, Starbucks does not have an ISO Rating right???? Cos the Cappucino in the Penang and JB City Square Mall outlets were KRAPPPP!!!!


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