Monday, February 09, 2009

I want a City to call my own

I've heard many many times that I need to change my ... ummm.....10?....year old car - my Proton Iswara Aeroback which is still working perfectly fine - Ole Faithful! Mostly I hear this from my mum but nonetheless, it's got me thinking.

I think I can afford a Proton Saga (new) but if I had my way (in the real world) I would love to get the new Honda City. I think it looks so cool - a cheap big (looking) car! :)


Anonymous said...

Why change the car ! It only gets you from A to B. In the UK I had BMW's etc yet when I was in Malaysia I had a Myvii which was absolutely and much less costly than a new car . Happy to have no car at all in Hong Kong.

Anonymous said...

Nice write ups. We should meet up for coffee sometime.
-you know who-