Sunday, July 31, 2011


Yeah it's been crazy and I've been neglectful. So much has been happening, well more with the baby than with me per say cos I've been SWAMPED.AT.WORK but still for a first-time mum, what happens to the baby happens to me.

I've been really greedy too, eating nasi lemak for breakfast lots and not getting full with just one portion of lunch, I am sated of course but not stuffed full which I used to be before. Am still losing weight though.

The baby started turning back and forth with gusto in July, started being able to really sit up almost completely unsupported recently, tried fish and even chicken porridge now, also avocado, peach.I swear I heard him call me mama just yesterday!

Oh yeah, because he can sit up better now, easier to bathe in the bath cos ewer can her him to sit up so we can wash his back.

Still breastfeeding, even though he's started preferring solids over milk now these past two three weeks, which is the wrong timing, cos image just got my milk back in end June. Julian doesn't wanna lay down in our arms for a feed; somehow he is ok with laying on the bed to feed though, also a new phenomenon cos I've never really been comfortable doing that, except since the start of july cos he's bigger and that just makes it easier.

Ooh, he's also started sleeping on his side, seems of love doing that and is really comfortable doing that. Which is great cos it's much cooler for him, or else his head sweats SO MUCH!

His poo has changed so much too! Looks like adult poo now, coming out in strips, ha ha.He's definitely more regular now than in May or June when he went a few days without poo, longest being in May I believe with 6 days being the record.Even now I think he's got to learn how to push the poo out.

I've been so busy and tired that I haven't even really been recording stuff in my baby diary. Mum told me the other day that we can get started with no.2 when Julian's one cos then we'll new in time for a little dragon! Ha ha.

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